Friday, July 29, 2005

Hurray! It's Friday!

I am in a much better and happier mood today! HURRAY! Could be because it is Friday, could be because I had a grande Chi Tea Latte from Starbucks or could be an answer to my prayers. I have been praying really hard for whatever is making me funky to go away. I cant wait to get out of here, I feel like a race horse at the gate just dying to bust out! Lol

So it is Friday, I have nothing planned so far, it may be a slow weekend although it is always good to have a slow weekend once in awhile. Probably go home, have some dinner, watch something on the tube, pet my kitty, try not to get bitten or scratched and possibly go to the gym. Got to work off the nachos I had yesterday and Chinese I had today……not good.unless you are trying to collect fat deposits. LOL

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Day Improving - I Smell Nachos

Ok, so my day is slowly improving.  Not so much because anything particularly good has happened but because I am slowly coming out of my funk….because I am forcing myself too.  Have to stay focused, mind away from “blah, funky” thoughts.  However I am now being driven a little crazy by the overwhelming smell of nachos.  I put my left over nachos under my desk and not it smells like I got some crazy Mexican fiesta going at my work station. 

Well I got an email back from the pastor asking about helping out at church, he said he would forward it to the individuals that head up each department, so hopefully I will hear from them soon and start to get more involved.  I am determined to get out of the rut! Also, my girlfriend who is moving away (sniff, sniff another friend leaving) called me to ask me to help her pack and I said yes.  Even though packing is not a favorite past time of mine it is better to be doing something, then nothing and fall back into “blah, funkiness”.  Tomorrow I will aim to be in a much better and up beat mood.  Besides it is Friday and a payday, that has to make me happy. J

Little Less Blah!

Ok just got back from lunch and ate the nachos which made me feel a little better (except for the fat deposits I feel taking up residence on my thighs). J  Also got an email from friend 2 calling me a goof for not telling her the real reason I wanted to do lunch. (mental note: still need to pray and work on the pride issue, stupid pride,  it is ok if people know you have feelingslol) Then she had a nice encouraging word.  Good friend..good

Blah is a state of mind I do not welcome! Shoo blah , shoo.  Lol


Ever have one of those days that can just be described as Blah?  I am really making an attempt to cheer up and I know what is behind my blahness but I just cant seem to kick it today.  It funny or ironic though how sometimes on these kind of days you make an attempt to connect with someone, do something to get you out of that funk but everyone is busy or doing something.  I call friend 1 for lunch, busy, I call friend 2 for lunch, tomorrow is better, I go to co-workers desk to see if maybe they want to do lunch, cant got in late this morning.  Then I realize that my friend list lately is pretty short.  I am generally a very social and outgoing person, but lately I have been a bit anti-social and reclusive.  (I am sure a psychiatrist would have fun with that, So how does that make you feel?)  So I decide that this needs to be corrected and I call the church I have been visiting to see if there are any small groups meeting this evening……they are done for the summer. UGH!  Although the girl that answered the phone is in one of the groups and took my info and said she would call if they get together for something, lets hope she calls.  Lol  So my blahness at this point is not getting any better.  But I decide to push on! J  I emailed one of the pastor at the church and informed him of my interest in service opportunities like greeting, info booth and child care, may be this way I can get to know more people.  I pray he doesn’t email me back and say..We dont need any help now, but we will keep you in mind if we do., I doubt that would be the case but hey it wouldn’t surprise me today. J   I think I going to go get a HUGE plate of nachos, comfort food. Lol  J 

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Over It!

I am sooooooo utterly and completely over everything today, it isn’t even funny! I really think that in about 10 mins. I am going to loose it and start to eat the keys off my keyboard, may be I will follow the alphabet and start with the “A” or better yet may be I will try and make it more interesting and do the alphabet backwards and start with “Z”. The only problem with that is that it requires too much thinking and my brain hurts so I think I will go the easy route and start with “A”. Then I will move on to the numbers, which I will eat 2 at a time since I have the numbers on top of the keyboard and the number pad on the right of the keyboard. I will have to be careful when I do this, because I don’t want to choke. Once I finish with the numbers and letters I will move on to the symbols. I think I will throw caution to the wind with those and eat them randomly. Then once I get over that excitement (because that will be the high point of my day) I will calm down and start eating the remaining keys, which are the command keys, in alphabetical order. I am a little worried about the “Enter” key, it is pretty large and oddly shaped. Ok…..


Please pray for me.... :)

Monday, July 25, 2005

Google "Meseidy" - Silly Conspiricy Theorist

Ok, I am sure that all of us at some point or another have found ourselves "Googling" your own name or someone else’s name just to see what comes up. Well if you find yourself bored or in need to kill some time, which would probably be now since you are reading this blog, please feel free to “Google” my name……really go ahead… fact do it right now and then come back…………. Ok did you do it? Now I will explain. These silly conspiracy theorists! Always trying to say that the government is covering something up or is was a hoax to distract everyone or better yet it was aliens! LOL.

I was living in D.C. when the September 11 attacks occurred and if you read the comments, conspiracy theories and the few blogs out there that mention my eyewitness account they say several things. First they refer to me as a “he”, which I think is hilarious because if they had done their research they would have found a film interview of me on (Please don’t try and find it, I hate this video I look and sound like a nini and I was a few pounds heavier, ick!) second they all say that I confirmed it was “mid-size plane”, third there is some mention that my bother-in-law saw the plane too, funny because I don’t have a brother-in-law, and forth, one person says that “I'm not sure exactly who Meseidy Rodriguez is, but his name appears in legal filings concerning Dick Cheney's top-secret energy policy meetings, which probably isn't a good sign.” (Silly conspiracy theorists)

So allow me to clarify. I am the Meseidy Rodriguez that all these people or talking about. First, I am a “She” not a “He” you would know this if you bothered to do your research! Second, I did say in my interview it was a “mid-size plane”, the fact of the matter is that that was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I was frantic and I couldn't think of the right words, when I saw it for the split second that I saw it, I only saw the tail end right before going into a tunnel. I was riding on the metro and when we came out the other end the plane had already crashed into the pentagon and all I could see was a huge cloud of smoke. When I ignorantly said “mid-size plane” I was thinking regular plane, if it had been some small propeller or charter plane or private jet I would have said a charter or a small jet. Besides you try and keep it together in such a situation. Third, I do not have a brother-in-law and it seems that for some reason there is some confusion with a statement that another witness made, "Cleveland Allen" who was on the train with me and we were together some of the day during the madness, the only thing I remember about him is that the dude was divorced with 3 kids and had the AUDASITY, to ask me out on a date later that day (hello chaos, people dying little inappropriate don’t you think?) and he is the one with the brother-in-law that saw the plane on Seminary Rd. Fourth, I am not some government operative or something silly like that, the only reason my name appears of some “legal filings concerning Dick Cheney's top-secret energy policy meetings” is because I was a legal assistant at the firm that file the pleading and I signed the certificate of service, I had nothing to do with the suit or investigation. I am just a poor Joe Shmoe that worked there. So people out there in conspiracy land get your stories straight and do some research and for goodness sake cut it out with the conspiracy theories!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Cavewoman's Mother Makes Clarification

My mother sent me an email the other day clarifying the story behind my name. Apparently she and my father were not out on a date, my father was out by himself or I assume with friend watching this movie. So my mother wanted me to clarify that my father saw the movie and picked the name and that she had not been smoking anything, but that doesn’t mean my father wasn’t. J

Agressive Pet Fee

The saga of Samson continues…..LOL.  I went go pick up Samson later Saturday afternoon.  I get there and walk up to the bus, PETA has a SNiPT program where they operate out of a bus, so I knock on the door.  A nice lady comes out and asks who I am picking up and I tell her Samson.  She makes a face and said, “Ok, just a moment”.  So I stand out there waiting, and she is taking a little longer than I would expect.  Finally she comes out and with this look on her face and says, “I am sorry but….” ,  (at this point I am on the verge of a heart attack, I am thinking this woman has killed my cat or something), “we are going to have to charge you an aggressive pet fee”.   (UGH psycho cat!).  The vet said, “I have met some mean kittys in my line of work, but your kitty is the meanest I have ever had to deal with”.  (Oh, my gosh!  Ground open up and swallow me, PLEASE!)   She proceeds to tell me about how Sammy manages to break out of his pet carrier, how they had to handle him with mittens and how they had to GAS HIM!  Then couldn’t even inject him, they had to gas him!  Well he wasn’t any better when he saw me….the DORK hissed at me!  Once I got him home he was better and now he is back to his normal self, but apparently my kitty is the meanest kitty. SIGH!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Samson is Not Going to Be Happy.......

Today is a beautiful day! The sun is out, the birds are chirping and the best thing of all my cat Samson is getting fixed. HURRAY!! That is right folks, they are coming off! He is not going to be happy with fact I am sure he is going to down right mad at me. I am hoping that he is going to be high on all his medication and will play nice. I know it sounds kind of mean that I am so happy about him being fixed, but you have to understand my cat is a demon spawn! Sometimes he is sitting there purring his little heart out while you pet him and then suddenly he becomes possessed and attacks, believe me I have the scars to prove it. I love my cat, but he can be mean sometimes. So I think today is a beautiful day!

Visiting Continued

Good evening, or morning should I say? I just got back a little while ago from one of the cell groups that I mentioned I was going to visit. I went to the Spanish "Young Adults" and it went really well, the group was really small but everyone was very nice. I was hoping that I would meet someone from P.R. there but that didn't happen, no matter, everyone was great. They were all around the same age, "Young Adult", but they were all married except one other girl. It was still great to hang out with people who are as loud and animated as I am and spoke Spanish. It was funny because we were all from different Latin countries so we would use different words for the same thing and sometimes had to translate within The girls there all seemed really cool, I really pray that I can develop some friendships in the group. I defiantly will be visiting the Sunday service this Sunday. Later!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Another Uneventful Day.....Or Maybe Not......

I was sitting at my desk today diligently hard at work (of course) typing away, making edits, adding numbers and filing. My day was pretty uneventful.

Across from my desk is an empty office. As I was sitting at my desk diligently hard at work (of course) I start to hear a funny noise coming from the office that is suppose to be empty. I sounds like a low pitched screeching jammed copier and buzzing fax mixed together. So I stop typing for a moment and listen really hard, but then my phone rings and I have to answer….”J*** B****** office this is Meseidy.”……”I will put you through, just a moment.” Once I transfer the call I sit and start to listen again really hard. I can still here this noise coming from the empty office, so I get up and start to walk towards the door. Suddenly I am hit will this horrible smell of wet ink and burnt toner. I am thinking what in the world is in that room. Then suddenly I start to hear a telephone ringing, but when I look at my desk it isn’t my phone it is coming from the empty office. I grab the big long 3-hole puncher from my desk and start walking back to the door, the noise is getting louder,*SCREEECH-BUZZZZZ-RING*, it is horrible. I get to the door and start to turn the door knob, holding the 3-hole puncher with my right hand. I quickly swing the door open and the first think I notice is that horrible smell comes rushing out. Then suddenly I feel something hitting me, it is small and sharp, I fall back, one almost pokes my eye out. I am confused but I noticed they are staples. I try and get my bearings with the 3-hole puncher in my right hand ready to strike and when I look I see the most horrible thing you could find in an office. It is some mutant monster hybrid! I see photocopier, fax and telephone lines coming out of it. It is shooting staples and spitting paper and ink out all over the place it has gone WILD! It is so loud and noisy I can barely hear myself think and I can here that annoying woman, with the annoying voice, saying that annoying announcement, “Sorry this number is no longer in service, please check your number and call back again” over and over again. Suddenly I don’t know what came over me, I grab a pair of HUGE scissors with my free hand and I start to charge towards this horrible hybrid of copier, fax and phone. It squirts me with ink straight in the face. I am blinded for a moment but I have it under control. I cry out, “I am taking you OUT SUCKER!” I start beating it with the hole puncher, and cutting cords left and right with the scissors. There are staples and pieces of plastic from beating the beast everywhere, I am nicked all over. But I am not going down without a fight. “WRONG NUMBER MY TAIL!” I scream and smash it hard with the hole puncher. Suddenly there is silence and the room starts to fill with smoke. Then the fire alarm goes off, then the sprinklers go off, my co-workers come rushing in. “Meseidy, you are a hero, you took out the horrible mutant monster hybrid”!

………….*ring*……..*ring*…….”Sigh, J*** B******’s office this is Meseidy.”……

Ok so maybe I didn't kill a horrible mutant hybrid today, but I was diligently hard at work (of course) typing away, making edits, adding numbers and filing.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


I have been in search of a new church for awhile now. About I year ago I was looking, but got tired and went back to my old church, now I am out looking again. Not that my old church isn't good, but it is just time for me to find something else.

I have recently started visiting New Life @ Providence (see link in side bar) and so far I am really enjoying it. The congregation is very diverse and they have a Hispanic ministry, which is very appealing to me. I would love to meet some people who speak my language. The pastor is great, gives a great message, is very down to earth and is very funny so he manages to keep me awake through the entire service, which is something to be said about considering I have the attention span of a nate. This Sunday I plan to go again and also visit the Spanish church Nueva Vida which has a 2:00 p.m. service, so I will let you know how that goes.

Also, I have started to visit the churche's small groups, these are bible studies/social, good place to meet new people. I went to the first one on Tuesday and it was really good. Pretty big group of people, most of them in graduate school or are already out working like me. I had actually met the leader a year earlier at another church's small group, so I had someone to chat with for a bit after the bible study was over. He did a really good job leading and challenging the group to discussion. So all in all it went well, I may go again. I plan to visit some more groups thru he week. There was on on Wednesday, but I was pooped and too lazy to go, it will have to wait till next week. Tomorrow however, there is another group which I am going to visit, a "Young Adult" group (College/Early Career) that is run by the Spanish church Nueva Vida. I am looking forward to that one. Also, on Saturday there is another one that is Graduate/Early Career and focuses on people who live in my neighborhood. I will keep you posted on my visits, how they go and eventually make a decision.

Well it is getting late, I have to go see Law & Order and take a shower. LATER!

Edits! Edits! Edits!

You will probably hear me complain about this frequently, but I promise to try and keep it to a minimum. But I feel like going commando sometimes after I get the same document back for the 3 time with more edits! Me and my buddy here are taking on the Edit Obsessed Attorneys of the world! Anyone with me? Commandos Unite!

Meseidy the Cavewoman

MeseidyMรก-say-de (noun)

What does “Meseidy” mean? That is a good question. Where does the name “Meseidy” come from? That has an interesting answer.

Every time I go so a restaurant or anywhere that they ask for your name I get a funny look. Sometimes I don’t even bother saying it, I just spell it out and then say it. Then the usual response is “Oh that it pretty. What does it mean?” Well the truth is it doesn’t mean anything, or if it does you would have to go back in time and ask your friendly neighbor the Caveman. Allow me to explain.

It all started a long, long, long time ago on a small island far away, named Puerto Rico. My parents were dating in the early 1970’s in high school (FYI: I suspect a magic herb played a part in this story but that suspicion has never been confirmed). So my parents went out on a date and saw a cheesy B flick that was dubbed in Spanish (remember we are in Puerto Rico) called “When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth”. In this movie is a cavewoman or girl, I am not sure, and they call her (think caveman accent) MAA-SAY-BEE. So my parents (who I suspect are under some influence) think that this is a nice name for a girl. They wait till the end of the movie to see if it is listed in the credits and spelt out, then there it is….Meseiby. So they decide to change the “b” to a “d” and that it would be the perfect name for there first baby girl. That would be me….Meseidy.

So that is the story behind the name. There are positives and negatives to being named Meseidy. It is cool that don’t know and have never met anyone with my name and the complements are nice. However, I was a target as a child. I have heard it all. I have been called every expensive car in the book, why I would be called anything other then Mercedes Benz is beyond me. Then there are people who no matter how many times I correct them they can’t get my name right, so I gave up and I don’t correct anyone any more. Name variations are: Miss. Saydee, Mercedes, Misidi, Mesady, Saidee, etc. (my multiple personalities have taken on these names) So, even though I wouldn’t change my name now for anything in the world, parents out there please think before you name your child (and defiantly dont pick a name if you are under any kind ofinfluence).

Meseidy (a.k.a. Miss. Saydee, Mercedes, Misidi, Mesady, Saidee) Out! J

P.S. Mom or dad if you read this please feel free to make any comments. LUV YA!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Tight Pants

Predicament of the day? Tight pants.

This morning I was lazy and was looking through my closet trying to find something to wear. I really did not want to have to iron anything and low and behold at the back of my closet I find a pair of pants I haven’t worn in ages and do not require ironing. (They are skinny pants, all you girls out there know what that means) So I put them on and they fit. A little tight around the butt but they fit. I look in the mirror to see if they are inappropriately tight for work attire. Mind you I never turn on all the light in my apartment in the morning because I have just rolled out of bed and don’t want to go through the pain of my eyes readjusting……ergo I am lazy. J I put on a pressed button down dress shirt that is long enough and call it good. Well when I come into the office and the lovely florescent lights are glowing, I notice that these may be just a little too tight, inappropriatly tight. Long story short I have been hiding behind my desk all morning. Going to put these back in the closet, they will come out when a lose a few more pounds.

Well it is the end of the work day. HURRAY!!! What did my day consist of? Well the usual typing and editing. I know this is not my life. J

So now I have to run over to my friends office, pick up a computer, take it home, trash a couch, eat something and try and go to they gym. So off I go to run my errands and get this butt to the gym. J

The Curse Continues!

        New record!  Five pages of separate pages! Count them 1-2-3-4-5 pages! UGH, attorneys!

The Curse of The Separate Page

        As I have mentioned I work for an attorney.  I am a “legal assistant” a.k.a. glorified secretary.  What is the curse of the separate page?  I will tell you, it is the 10 or 12 additional pages of edits that my attorney keeps adding on.  He can’t just seems to simply answer a question, he has to write 3 handwritten pages worth of an answer.  Honestly it can be answered in just a few sentences.   So what happens to Meseidy?  She is typing ALL DAY LONG!  Then I get asked, why the filing isn’t up to date.  Maybe because you make 10 pages worth of edits on a document that is already 20 pages long!!!   Lord, give me patience.  I know I am not meant to do this the rest of my life. J

Introduction Please

Hola, mi nombre es Meseidy. Hello everyone out there! So for some peculiar reason you find yourself reading this space. Probably not because it is particularly interesting but more likely because you are bored, possibly at work, trying to kill time pretending that you are working (quick “CLICK” the window, someone is coming up behind you).

So anyways, a little about myself. Hmmmm, well as you can see from my profile I am 26 year old, single, young professional (or at least I play one in real life) and most important I love God! I work as a legal assistant in a law firm and do real estate on the side, but between you and me I am new at it and have no clue what I am doing. Shhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone. So it is just me and my demon cat Samson. I love him but he has left me with my share of battle scares. I also had a guinea pig named Gus, may he rest in peace. But he went out just as he should have….face first in his food bowl. That is all the little guy lived for….green pellets. I am pretty busy and will probably come and go. On my free time, I go to the gym, and hang out with friends. I am currently looking for a new church and pray that God will lead me to the right one. Then I need to get involved, because I have a tendency to keep to myself.

You may wonder what this space will consist of……well probably not, but I will tell you anyway. It will be mostly about me, and…, and…….well me. Doesn’t that sound fascinating? But no seriously it will be about me, my walk with God, my ideas, opinions and issues and believe me there are plenty of those. You may not get all the dirt but you will get the idea. But I guess that is what a “space” is basically about, a place to express yourself and just pray that one day at the right time you say just the right thing and it will speak and help whoever is reading it.

So here we go!