Meseidy “Mรก-say-de” (noun)
What does “Meseidy” mean? That is a good question. Where does the name “Meseidy” come from? That has an interesting answer.
Every time I go so a restaurant or anywhere that they ask for your name I get a funny look. Sometimes I don’t even bother saying it, I just spell it out and then say it. Then the usual response is “Oh that it pretty. What does it mean?” Well the truth is it doesn’t mean anything, or if it does you would have to go back in time and ask your friendly neighbor the Caveman. Allow me to explain.
It all started a long, long, long time ago on a small island far away, named Puerto Rico. My parents were dating in the early 1970’s in high school (FYI: I suspect a magic herb played a part in this story but that suspicion has never been confirmed). So my parents went out on a date and saw a cheesy B flick that was dubbed in Spanish (remember we are in Puerto Rico) called “When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth”.
In this movie is a cavewoman or girl, I am not sure, and they call her (think caveman accent) MAA-SAY-BEE. So my parents (who I suspect are under some influence) think that this is a nice name for a girl. They wait till the end of the movie to see if it is listed in the credits and spelt out, then there it is….Meseiby. So they decide to change the “b” to a “d” and that it would be the perfect name for there first baby girl. That would be me….Meseidy.
So that is the story behind the name. There are positives and negatives to being named Meseidy. It is cool that don’t know and have never met anyone with my name and the complements are nice. However, I was a target as a child. I have heard it all. I have been called every expensive car in the book, why I would be called anything other then Mercedes Benz is beyond me. Then there are people who no matter how many times I correct them they can’t get my name right, so I gave up and I don’t correct anyone any more. Name variations are: Miss. Saydee, Mercedes, Misidi, Mesady, Saidee, etc. (my multiple personalities have taken on these names) So, even though I wouldn’t change my name now for anything in the world, parents out there please think before you name your child (and defiantly don’t pick a name if you are under any kind of “influence”).
Meseidy (a.k.a. Miss. Saydee, Mercedes, Misidi, Mesady, Saidee) Out! J
P.S. Mom or dad if you read this please feel free to make any comments. LUV YA!