I have been officially pegged as the Sivlerware Nazi at the restaurant. We were having a problem with people not properly rolling silverware, so now if you close and you are the silver checker you have to not only count the silverware but also check to make sure it is properly rolled, and I did my job and no one liked me for it. I sent almost everyone back to reroll at least 10 of their silver. I didn't play favorites either, everyone had to reroll. Now everytime I am assigned to roll silver everyone it going to be really upset. But it is ok they still love me. :)
technorati tag: work
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Silver Nazi
Friday, December 16, 2005
I Chopped it Off!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Two Classic Meseidy Moments.....In One Night!
First moment: Today was my office Christmas Party. There was a great spead of food and lots of people coming in and out. So about an hour into the party we have a toast. I am no longer a drinker, in fact I cannot remember when was the last time I had a drink. But we are having a toast and they pass out small glasses of champage, and I drink it. It was a very small glass, it was not a flute. Shortly after I am sitting in the dessert room talking with the attorney that we use and the on site insurance agent and I start to feel like my face is on fire. I intially ignore it, but I can feel it getting hotter and hotter and it starts to itch a little. I ask our attorney if my face is read, he acknowledges that I am a little flushed. I get up and go to the restroom, when I turn on the light I see myself and it isn't pretty. My face is a blotchy bright red and HOT.....I am talking tomato red, I was definatly having some sort of a reaction to the champage. I splash water on my face but it does nothing. Finally, I walk out and my broker and fellow agents are freaking. I told them to calm down that I was sure it would clear up on its own, I just needed to dringk some water. It did eventually clear up but is was very embarassing to be walking around trying to network and mingle looking like a hot red pepper.
Second moment: I had to leave the party early to go into the restaurant for work. I fight traffic, I speed, I am trying to get there as soon as possible and when I pull into the parking lot and grab my bag a realize it is very light. I forgot my work shoes! UGH! So I had to go in tell manager that I forgot my shoes and then go home pick them up and come back. Making me an hour late for work.
Two classic Meseidy moments!
technorati tag: life
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Single Girl's Essential Grocery List
There are a few things that I find essential on my grociery list and they are things that I always buy. I have a process when I do grocieries, I only go down the aisles I need to go down, otherwise I will end up with a lot of junk in my cart and blowing my budget. So here is my bare essentials groceriy list that usually will tie me over for at least 2 weeks.
- Multi Grain Bread (grocery store generic brand)
- 1% Milk
- 2 liter of Vanilla Diet Coke
- Deli Sliced Honey Ham
- 2% American Cheese
- 4 Soup at Hand (Creamy Tomato...yum)
- Ramen Noodles (in case of emergency)
- Cereal (whatever is on sale, today 2 HUGH boxes, Cinommon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms)
- Sour Cream and Cheddar Baked Ruffles
- 4 boxes of Lean Pockets
- Coffee
- French Vanilla Coffeemate
It would be a safe assumption that I live off of mostly sandwiches and cereal and that I have the Ramen noodles around for when the food supply is running low.
technorati tag: life
A Must Have to Take a Shower
What is the one thing you must have in order to take a shower? I will give you sometime to think about it.........come on it is easy........WATER! You must have water to take a shower. However the city has decided to cut it off because of the construction they are doing next door, so for those of us who work at home and would like to shower, we are out of luck! UGH!
technorati tag: life
Mother's Early Morning Calls and the Things They Do
Ok so lately I am an extremely busy person. I am trying to get my real estate up and running during a slow season because of the holidays and I am waitressing evenings, not to mention all the activities I am involved in at church. So I haven't been as in touch with my mother as I should.
Well this morning at....I don't know.....7:00 a.m., when I am sound asleep, my mother calls because she hasn't heard from me in awhile. First thing out of my mouth, "I was asleep". It is all kind of amusing, I have been so busy, the only way I was able to let her know that I was alive was by sending her an instant message the other night. Because not only do I have a very busy schedule but it is an hour later in P.R. this time of year. Well my mother, being a mother, starts to let her imagination run wild and begins to wonder if in fact I sent this instant message and that it wasn't someone trying to impersonate me since she hadn't heard my voice in so long. I tell my mother in a very sleepy voice I am sorry but I have been working a lot and I love her and I am ok. LOL Then she lets slip that she was so worried she contact a friend of mine that I haven't spoken to in awhile, something initially I didn't need to know but was still nice to hear about them. My mom sold you out bud, I now know that you still read my blog, I hope your well.
That is a mother for you, they call people looking for you or call you at the crack of dawn to make sure your alive.
technorati tag: mothers
Monday, December 12, 2005
How do you know your bagel is ready?
When the smoke alarm goes off and smoke is coming out of your oven, chances are that your bagel is ready.......maybe I should invest in a toaster.
technorati tag: life
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Do You Know Him?

I know I have been MIA but I had to post this real quick. I promise I will be back. Be sure to click on the image.
technorati tag: Jesus