Monday, July 25, 2005

Google "Meseidy" - Silly Conspiricy Theorist

Ok, I am sure that all of us at some point or another have found ourselves "Googling" your own name or someone else’s name just to see what comes up. Well if you find yourself bored or in need to kill some time, which would probably be now since you are reading this blog, please feel free to “Google” my name……really go ahead… fact do it right now and then come back…………. Ok did you do it? Now I will explain. These silly conspiracy theorists! Always trying to say that the government is covering something up or is was a hoax to distract everyone or better yet it was aliens! LOL.

I was living in D.C. when the September 11 attacks occurred and if you read the comments, conspiracy theories and the few blogs out there that mention my eyewitness account they say several things. First they refer to me as a “he”, which I think is hilarious because if they had done their research they would have found a film interview of me on (Please don’t try and find it, I hate this video I look and sound like a nini and I was a few pounds heavier, ick!) second they all say that I confirmed it was “mid-size plane”, third there is some mention that my bother-in-law saw the plane too, funny because I don’t have a brother-in-law, and forth, one person says that “I'm not sure exactly who Meseidy Rodriguez is, but his name appears in legal filings concerning Dick Cheney's top-secret energy policy meetings, which probably isn't a good sign.” (Silly conspiracy theorists)

So allow me to clarify. I am the Meseidy Rodriguez that all these people or talking about. First, I am a “She” not a “He” you would know this if you bothered to do your research! Second, I did say in my interview it was a “mid-size plane”, the fact of the matter is that that was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I was frantic and I couldn't think of the right words, when I saw it for the split second that I saw it, I only saw the tail end right before going into a tunnel. I was riding on the metro and when we came out the other end the plane had already crashed into the pentagon and all I could see was a huge cloud of smoke. When I ignorantly said “mid-size plane” I was thinking regular plane, if it had been some small propeller or charter plane or private jet I would have said a charter or a small jet. Besides you try and keep it together in such a situation. Third, I do not have a brother-in-law and it seems that for some reason there is some confusion with a statement that another witness made, "Cleveland Allen" who was on the train with me and we were together some of the day during the madness, the only thing I remember about him is that the dude was divorced with 3 kids and had the AUDASITY, to ask me out on a date later that day (hello chaos, people dying little inappropriate don’t you think?) and he is the one with the brother-in-law that saw the plane on Seminary Rd. Fourth, I am not some government operative or something silly like that, the only reason my name appears of some “legal filings concerning Dick Cheney's top-secret energy policy meetings” is because I was a legal assistant at the firm that file the pleading and I signed the certificate of service, I had nothing to do with the suit or investigation. I am just a poor Joe Shmoe that worked there. So people out there in conspiracy land get your stories straight and do some research and for goodness sake cut it out with the conspiracy theories!


Anonymous said...

I don't believe you! Maybe you are just a nut :-)

Meseidy said...

Honest, true story!