Wednesday, August 31, 2005
SOLD! Cha-ching!
All In a Day's Work......
I had a fabulously interesting yet exhausting day yesterday that ended with a scary note. Yesterday I took the day off from my “real job” and for the first time I was able to take an entire day…..well almost an entire day and work my real estate gig.
I got up bright and early in the morning…..ok….7:37 a.m., not that impressive but still early. So got up and dressed and out the door by 8 a.m. (I amaze myself sometimes) I had orientation at my local real estate association to I could become a REALTOR © (I will explain what is so special another time). I sat through this not so interesting class of ethics until 12:00 p.m. We learned about all the things we could, should and cannot do. At the end of the class the instructor had the class divide up into 2 teams and play a game of what was a sort of Jeopardy. A team would pick a answer for $50, $100 or $200 and then the first to call out the question would get the “points”. Well I honestly though that I wasn’t going to have a clue and then suddenly there I was giving questions…..4 in a row in fact! The guy behind me called me…..Ken Jennings, LOL. Then I got nervous realizing that all this attention was on my and I screwed up on the next answer because I didn’t put the response in the form of a question. DUH! No matter my team got the Final Jeopardy question right and we won. HA!
After my orientation, I ran home got all my real estate stuff and ran over to the real estate office. I hopped on my computer to see if any new listings had popped up for a buyer that I have in line that is anxious to buy, but there was nothing. I had faxed him 6 properties the night before and out of the 6 he was interested in 2 but one was already gone. So I called him to see if he was available to see the one he was interested in. He said yes, so I ran a CMA, pulled the tax info and was out the door. I was running late so I think I may of cut off about 4-5 people on my way….sorry. J I get to the house and my buyer is there waiting. He does repairs and construction so he had just gotten off the roof checking out its condition, he mentioned some one had laid shingles on top of the old roof, first not so good sign. Second not so good sign, I get the key out of the lock box and we notice that the door knob isn’t set in right. In fact it looks like it is sideway, it takes us about 5 minutes to get the door open. So we walk in and ICK! Nasty and the place was being sold as it. The carpet was gross, and there were a few roach carcasses laying around, the utilities were cut off (hint if you are selling a house leave the utilities on) there were multiple things which I am not going to bore you with. So we are making our way out and I am looking at the CMA an there is a house on it which I hadn’t noticed and it is active. So I get on the phone call my broker to call the selling agent and see if it is still available, and it is. We pull out the map book and find it and drive over. This house was much better and much cuter and the utilities were on, which makes such a difference when you are showing a house, but my buy wasn’t to keen on the area, so it was a no go. We chat for awhile discuss options and I am on my way back to the office (ffthis time with no need to cut anyone off). When I get back to the office I hope on the computer and low and behold there are 3 new properties on the system, after deducting 2 of the out, I was on my way again to the same area I had just come from to show this new property to my buyer. This is much better and my buyer is interested. Cool thing is as I was showing the house to him, a young married couple shows up at the door with no agent representation and a approval letter. GOLD! So I show them around get their info and set up to meet them and sign them up next week. I get back to my buyer and we agree to meet back at the office at 6:30. Unfortunately he runs late, doesn’t get there till about 7:30 or 8:00. We write up the offer and I faxed it out a 9:00 p.m. SIGH! All in a days work!
So now we just wait and see. The agent is presenting tonight, so hopefully by tomorrow we will know if they accept our offer. Say a little prayer!
After I finished up at the office I headed home. I have two options to get home, I can either take the highway or I can go the back way which takes you through a not so nice part of town. Well for some reason I choose the back way. As I am driving along the bright zoup up yellow car zooms by me and cuts me off. Then a few minutes later I come up on several cars stopped and when I look there is the yellow car and a man laying in the street. The yellow car had hit the man. I got on my cell right away and called 911. The man was moving so I pray he made it ok. The ambulance and police got there right way, literaly 2 minutes or after I called 911. As soon as I heard the ambulance, I said a little prayer and got out of there. It wasn't the best part of town and there were alot of people starting to gather around, so I though it best to leave.
Well, tonight looks like it may be another late night. I have another potential buyer, with an approval letter coming in tonight at about 7. Hopefully I will eventually be able to make it back to the gym.
Pesky Spammers!
Ribbing Accomplished!
HURRAY! Ribbing Accomplished! Ok so maybe it isn’t that big of a deal to you but after much frustration it is nice to finally get something. A shout out and thanks to Lovely Lisa for giving me some 411 on knitting. J lol So now I am on my way to attempting to finish a scarf. Not a huge project but good enough for a beginner. Soon I will be making that fab hat down below! J
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
UGH Knitting Help!
Monday, August 29, 2005
New Hobby - Knit and Purl
So far I have found it very relaxing, but I am having trouble keeping track of the pattern and what rows I am on but I will figure it out with time. Samson my cat seems to be enjoying the new hobby. He keeps playing with and trying to eat the yard while I knit. Last night I had to take a time out and untie him from the yarn because he got himself all knotted up. LOL We will see how well I do and whether or not I get frustrated with the new hobby.
Cool Knitting Links
Friday, August 26, 2005
One of the Lord's Blessings - Gummy Bears!
I am so grateful for many of the small pleasures that the Lord has bless us with and one of the ones I am most grateful for are Gummy Bears! YUM I LOVE GUMMY BEARS! They are so sweet and chewy and cute to boot. I can eat an entire bag of gummy bears till my jaw hurts from chewing. They are also so much fun to eat. Sometimes I will pretend that they are begging me not to eat them while I gnaw their head and limbs off one by one. I know that may sound a little disturbing but it is a gummy bear. Also have you ever noticed that you can do a before and after weight loss gummy bear? Allow me to explain. If you take your gummy bear and up it between your fingers from head to bottom and squeeze he gets fatter (this is the before) then if you hold him between your fingers on each side and squeeze he gets skinny (this is the after). I just love my gummy bears. J lol
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Ok Quick But Odd Question
Now most of us all know that the ears, nose, throat and sinuses are all connected, right? So by saying that maybe the question I am about to ask isn’t so odd. Have you ever blown your nose, usually after crying, and little air bubbles come out of your tear duct? I am just wondering?
New Blog Posted - Wind Scraps
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
B-E-A-Utiful Day!
It is such a beautiful day outside today, I wish I didn’t have to be in this office. I took a small 10 minute break and went outside. I walked over to the water and sat on a bench and just let the breeze and the peace come over me. I could have just sat on that bench all day long watching the people go by. I may just go out there again after work. J
Homegirl is Pregnant! HURRAY!
Emergency Numbers!
Emergency Numbers!
Emergency numbers may be dialed direct! No operator assistance is necessary!
- When in sorrow, call John 14.
- When men fail you, call Psalm 27.
- If you want to be fruitful, call John 15.
- When you have sinned, call Psalm 51.
- When you worry, call Matthew 6:19-34.
- When you are in danger, call Psalm 91.
- When God seems far away, call Psalm 139.
- When your faith needs stirring, call Hebrews 11.
- When you are lonely and fearful, call Psalm 23.
- When you grow bitter and critical, call I Corinthians 13.
- For Paul's secret to happiness, call Colossians 3:1-17.
- For understanding of Christianity, call II Corinthians 5:15-19.
- When you feel down and out, call Romans 8:31.
- When you want peace and rest, call Matthew 11:25-30.
- When the world seems bigger than God, call Psalm 90.
- When you want Christian assurance, call Romans 8:1-30.
- When you leave home for labor or travel, call Psalm 121.
- When your prayers grow narrow or selfish, call Psalm 67.
- For great invention/opportunity, call Isaiah 55.
- When you wasn’t courage for a task, call Joshua 1.
- For how to get along with fellow men, call Romans 12.
- When you think of investments and returns, call Mark 10.
- If you are depressed, call Psalm 27.
- If your pocketbook is empty, call Psalm 37.
- If you are loosing confidence in people, call I Corinthians 13.
- If people seem unkind, call John 15.
- If discouraged about your work, call Psalm 126.
- If you find the world growing small and yourself great, call Psalm 19.
Alternate numbers:
- For dealing with fear, call Psalm 34:7.
- For security, call Psalm 121:3.
- For assurance, call Mark 8:35.
- For reassurance, call Psalm 145:18.
All lines to Heaven are open 24 hours a day! Feed your faith, and doubt will starve to death.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Verse of the Week - John 16:13
Verse of the Week
13But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come..
--John 16:13, NIV
Monday, August 22, 2005
My Tendancy to Be a Recluse
Ok I am guilty! If I am having a rough time I have a tendency to be a little reclusive and I don’t discriminate. I had a bit of a tough weekend. I did nothing on Saturday but sleep in and laid on the coach….nice huh? And I could have done the same on Sunday, except I actually got up and went to church, even though I was totally distracted throughout the entire service. I know the topic was to pray for the nations but I unfortunately didn’t get much out of it, my mind was elsewhere. I did go out to lunch with the friends that I have made at church and then I went home. I plopped on the couch again with the intention of not getting up. 1. Because I felt like I poured myself into the sofa so there was no way I was going to get out of it, it is my safe place. 2. There was a Law & Order marathon on, and at the time I found the show and the pint of Haagen-Dazs I was eating very comforting. But one of my close girlfriends called me and invited me over for dinner and although my initial intention was to say no, I found myself saying yes. To my amazement I managed to turn off the tv get my tail off the sofa and over to her house. She is a great friend! We talked and prayed, she was a great support, I thank God for such a good friend.
Unfortunately over my bubble weekend I forgot that my mother was going into surgery this morning. I didn’t find out till I finally check my messages this morning from over the weekend. She had gastric bypass about a year ago and was now eligible for the plastic surgery. While I was all wrapped up in myself I forgot about my mother’s surgery. I called her today and thank God she is doing well.
On a lighter and more amusing note. I got the hiccups really bad this afternoon after lunch. I was holding my breath and drinking water but nothing was working. Then I get an email for one of my co-workers who is the secretary to the son of the owner of the firm and she works with him sometimes. So I get this email from her telling me that he “The Boss Man” wants to see me. My heart sunk and I about freaked, then from the corner of my eye I see her looking at me with a big grin. I was a joke! She was pulling my chain and my hiccups where gone. Unbelievable!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ready Set Go!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Last Night's Interview
So I went to this interview last night for the "personal sales assistant". It is as a n assistant to a General Manager of a car dealership. When he told me the dealership over the phone I thought it was another place, like a Carmax or something. When I get there is a small mom & pop used car dealership, but I decide not to judge a book by its cover and still go in. I meet with the manager and it was sounding pretty good at first and he practically offered me the position. But then he started going more in depth and he mentions the commercials he does and that he has the "Miracle Girls" in the commercial and in his ads and he points to an add on his desk. Then it hits me and I remember his commercials where he has girls in the background like props, you can imagine the type. Then he tells me about the 3 other candidates and he even has the guts to say to me about one of the girls "she is pretty....not as pretty as you" basically saying in so many words he was looking for a pretty girl to be his assistant because it can attract more business. So he asks me if I was interested and I said I would have to think about it. As I thought about it more and more I thought…! lol Not really a position I would want to be in! Ugh, typical car salesman....LOL After that I went home and then to the gym. :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
How Weird are You?
Looks like I am out of luck. :)
You Are 40% Weird |
Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too weird to do anything about it! |
Verse of the Week - 2 Cor 4:8
Verse of the Week
We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed and broken. We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit.
--2 Corinthians 4:8, NLT
Shhhhhh Don't Tell Anyone!
Ok, so I have been MIA for a bit. I had a pretty good relaxing weekend, hung out with friends and did a lot of driving. J Didn’t make it to church on Sunday because I was beat and just couldn’t get out of bed…..oops L So no Sunday Service notes this week.
This afternoon….or evening I have an interview….shhh don’t tell anyone…LOL. As I have stated on many occasions I am not particularly happy here where I work. So yesterday out of curiosity I looked on the internet to see what kind of jobs were out there. I would like to get out of the legal field and try something different. I came across this add for a “personal sales assistant” and the pay that it listed looked very promising. I called to check it out and spoke with the man that is looking for the sales assistant. He explained to me what the position would be and I told him a little about my experience and we agreed to meet this evening at 7. Turns out he is the General Manager of a car dealership and he wants someone to help him follow up on sales leads, pull credit reports, contact clients, schedule appointments and so on. I know I could do all that no sweat. The only thing I need to check out is if this is base salary, base salary plus commission or just commission, but I can discuss that once I meet with him. We will just have to see what feeling I get out of it and pray about it, I don’t want to make any rash decisions. I will keep you posted.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
See Your High School or College Pictures
Take a look at this website. It is a database of high school and college pictures from yearbooks and stuff. If you do a search you can probably find one of you too! I found 2 pics, one group picture and a single one. Try it out and let me know if you found a picture too!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The Marvels of Modern Technology
Now please correct me if I am wrong but aren’t computers and all of this advanced technology that we have at our fingertips suppose to make things easier and more efficient? Then why is it that I come into work everyday and I ALWAYS have a moment that I want to grab my monitor or keyboard or whatever and throw it out the window? I really think sometimes that I would prefer to work on a typewriter. Think about it. You don’t have to worry about troubleshooting print jobs because it is right there. You don’t have to worry about saving every 5 seconds, because a typewriter doesn’t crash. You don’t have to beat your mouse repeatedly against the mouse pad because a typewriter won’t freeze on you. Have you ever heard of a typewriter getting a virus? I haven’t. Granted dealing with carbon copy paper would be a pain and I am of the generation before typewriters so I may not know what I am talking about, but COME ON am I going to have to threaten my computer and hold it dangling out a window threatening to drop it if it doesn’t behave or if it crashed one more time!
Think about what it has also done to our culture. We are a society of ADHD! Everyone has this need to be connected and constantly entertained. Family cars come with entertainment systems in them. Why not encourage your kid to read or play a game? A man in South Korea just dropped dead from playing a computer game for 49 hours straight! Does this not seem a little much? People are walking around now with “Bluetooth” ear pieces for their cell phone…you know the futuristic looking thing with the blinking blue light attached to their ear, because no one wants to miss a call. Everyone is on a cell phone everywhere! I went to the restroom the other day at a restaurant and some woman was in the stall next to me ON THE PHONE! Is it me or is this a little obsessive? Don’t get me wrong I do know may of the benefits of technology, I use them every day, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t annoy me or that we as a society are any better off.
It is just amazing to me how technology has affected society so much. It keeps us constantly occupied and you can easily end up with no time to yourself or time to spend with God. It also has had a huge part in taking God’s place in our lives. Before all of this people we more dependant on God and his word, because we didn’t have that quick fix before to take his place, like the computer game, internet, cell phone, etc.
If you take a leap and dare to do something different, turn off your phone, tv, computer and spend some quiet time alone and see what are your thoughts and what is in your heart, pray about it write it down, you will be surprised by what comes out and how free you feel afterwards.
Monday, August 08, 2005
So Sad To See You Go - SUPERSTAR!
There was one super bummer over the weekend. A very good and close friend of mine has moved away….:( Me and several of my friend hung out with her one last time on Friday, before she shipped off the next day.
So to my dear friend here is one last “Super Star” for you! LUV YA! MEAN IT!
Ultimate Frisbee
I have managed to yet add another injury to my long list of injuries. However I am happy to say that this one was not self inflicted like most of them are. I hung out with the folks from the small group I visited several Tuesdays ago. We all met up at the ocean front and played a game of ultimate frisbee. It is basically like football but with a Frisbee, but you can’t run with the frisbee. So and I running down the field…..or beach, towards the frisbee and I get taken out by one of the guys. He manages to step on my toe….hard! It turned my nail up and started to bleed…..GROSS! So I gimped my way over to the shower, where everyone goes to wash off the sand and rinsed off my toe. But I am a tough girl I was ok, slapped a band-aid on the toe and sat out the rest of the game. I haven’t been able to wear closed toe shoes, but otherwise it is doing well.
Afterwards we all went out for dinner. It was a good time. I was in the middle of the long table so I got to participate in variety of conversations. The whole group seems really nice and the welcomed me right in. I never felt out of place and that says a lot.
Sunday I went to church, which was great I really needed to go and afterwards my new friends invited me out for lunch. It was all in all a good weekend. I thank God for bringing me new friends. J
Verse of the Week - Isaiah 40:29
He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; He offers strength to the weak.
--Isaiah 40:29, NLT
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Prayer of Agreement - Sunday Service
19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.
If you agree to things on earth, God will grant it.
- You have to pray for things to happen
- Hoping does not change things
- When we all agree in prayer we can have what we ask
- This why it is good to pray together and pray for one another.
Definition of Agree: Sumphoneo
- sum "together" + phoneo "to sound"
- to be in harmony, once accord
Deuteronomy 32:30 -30 How could one an chase a thousand, or two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless the LORD had given them up
- Let us commit to God's heart for the unity of the spirit in the church for the sake of prayer
Ephesians 4:3 - 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
- Be perfectly joined together
1 Corinthians 1:10 -10 I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought
- Pray in and understandable language
1 Corinthians 14:16 -16 If you are praising God with your spirit, how can one who finds himself among those who do not understand[a] say "Amen" to your thanksgiving, since he does not know what you are saying?
- Listen with sensitivity to the words and heart of another's prayers
James 1:19 - 19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
- Do not judge people on their prayers
Matthew 7:1 - 1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
- Agree with the promises of God's word together
1 John 5:14-15 - 14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him.
- Add your own version of "Me too, Lord", agree with a yes Lord or Amen.
Word to Couples
- God joined you together as a uniquely powerfuinstrumentnt of prayer.
1 Peter 3:7 - 7Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
- A spirit of strife in your home is the Devil's main strategy to keep you from praying together
Word to Singles
- Every Moses needs an Aaron and Hur...Every Mary needs a Elizabeth
- Cultivate a prayer partner relationship with a like minded believer.
Word to Everyone
- Let us create aatmospherere of agreement, sensitivity and understanding were we call all pray together for one another. When we all come together in agreement and commit your heart to God for unity of spirit in the church for the sake of prayer, God can will move and answer your prayers.
Friday, August 05, 2005
My Levels
My level of desire to work right now it very low…..actually practically non-existent. I would be perfectly happy today at my apartment, doing laundry and vegging out on the sofa with my cat. But no unfortunately I am in this office, at this workstation and guess what I am doing……any guesses? If you said typing, COME ON DOWN and collect your prize!
My level of desire to run away and hop on a plane to a secluded island paradise VERY HIGH! Ah to be sitting on a beautiful beach with the temperature and a comfortable 78 degrees, sipping a Pina Colada.
Do you think I would get in trouble if I put some sand on the floor of my workstation and brought in a sunlamp?
Thursday, August 04, 2005
C.S. Lewis and the Tao of "The Island"
C.S. Lewis and the Tao of "The Island"
A very interesting article on how "The Island" gives us a glimpse into Romans 1.
"In writing to the church in Rome, the Apostle Paul noted that people who know God, yet suppress the knowledge of their Creator, are driven to worship creatures. Such people become debased in their thinking and are given over to all manner of sin. In time, people regress from a belief in God to a belief that they are God, and once that belief becomes entrenched in significant elite cultural power bases the results are devastating – they are willing to do anything. Michael Bay's new film, "The Island," represents his first real foray into thoughtful action films. He gives us a glimpse into that Romans 1 world."
Soooooooo Excited!!!
Very cool concert coming here! Who you may ask….well some of my favorite bands! Audio Adrenaline, SuperChick and Pillar all here at the same time at the same concert. ROCK ON! Me very excited! Concert is October 20, so the plan is that I am going to go ahead and buy 2 tickets and hope that I find someone to go with from not till then, being that I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head that would be interested in going. Granted it is going to be crawling with youngsters, but I don’t care, it is going to ROCK! ( I have said rock 2 times already, I discretely rock out at my work station) Hurray, hurray, hurray! If you don’t know who I am talking about check out the “Tunes” links below on the sidebar. This is so going to ROCK!!!!
Verse of the Week
Verse of the Week
“ You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word. ”- Psalm 119:114
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
100 Things
- I love God and Jesus.:)
- I am named after a cave woman, see “Meseidy the Cavewoman”
- I have been in 2 major relationships..
- I want 3 boys.
- I broke my jaw in 3 pieces and dislocated it when I was 13, Dr. said I would have lost my teeth if I hadn't had braces.
- There is a palm tree in Guam with my face impressed on it.
- My favorite color is Red.
- I feel guilty that I don’t read my bible everyday.
- My favorite flowers tulips and daisies.
- I have married once
- I am a dog person.
- Dream job is to be a race car driver (I know nothing about cars and don’t watch NASCAR)
- I love pralines and cream ice cream.
- I have a kid sister who looks just like me just much shorter and we have nothing in common.
- I lived in D.C. for 9/11 and was an eyewitness, see Google "Meseidy" - Silly Conspiracy Theorist
- I LOVE high heels no less then 3 inches.
- I am Puerto Rican and proud of it!
- I type 60 wpm.
- The only insect that I can’t stand are cockroaches.
- I would shave my head if it was socially acceptable for women.
- I won’t date anyone under 6 feet tall (remember 3 inch heels and I am 5'8")
- My parents are still married.
- I read Fox News
- I am republican and am proud of it!
- I love college basketball, I disappear the month of March.
- I like to sit on the floor.
- I always have to have at least one foot up.
- I use humor to hide my feelings.
- I am obsessed with Law & Order.
- I would like to learn how to shoot a gun.
- I don’t like mushrooms, flavor too strong.
- I don’t know how to balance a check book.
- I can’t stand cars in front of me when I am driving.
- I have a heavy foot, translation I speed.
- I have talked my way out of 3 speeding tickets and one car accident while driving without a license.
- I am a method eater, I choose what I want to eat sometimes depending on how you eat it, ie. with hands,with fork, which chopsticks, on stick, in bowl, etc.
- When I eat fruit I will get several pieces and eat them all a different way.
- I have extremely vivid and bizarre dreams.
- I don’t like the telephone to chat, get on get off.
- I am a mission shopper, I only shop when on a mission to find something, I don’t window shop.
- I hate trying clothes on; I am never the same size.
- I have a pride issue, I don’t like anyone knowing I am hurt or vulnerable (I am working on this)
- I want my next wedding to be on the beach.
- I can over communicate.
- My car is a disaster area right now.
- I have been in 2 accidents with Mack trucks, (I keep getting in there blind spots)
- I am now afraid of Mack trucks or any large truck.
- I love gummy bears.
- I was born 20 minutes or less from the Canadian boarder.
- I use to have dreams when I was a kid of falling through portals and time traveling with my giant stuffed animals.
- I think too much, and cover my ears when I want to stop thinking.
- I wish my parents would go to couples counseling
- My favorite dessert is pecan pie.
- I don’t like chick flicks or ballads.
- I believe in the dream of happly married with 2.5 kids and a dog.
- I don’t understand Grits, how can something be so coarse and slimy at the same time?
- I belch like a dude when I am alone.
- I eat sitting on top of my kitchen counter.
- I sit on/in the sink when I put my makeup on to get closer to the mirror.
- I can lay on the couch sometimes for an entire day and not feel guilty about it.
- I keep cards and mementos from almost all of my past relationships except my ex-husband.
- I am a rebel at heart and it annoys me sometimes.
- I voted for George W. Bush and am proud of it!
- Even thought it has a negative connotation to it I love to say “knocked up” when referring to someone who is pregnant.
- I cry easily, but not in front of people.
- I use to curse like a sailor, now cursing makes me cringe
- One of my favorite movies is Gone with the Wind even though I lived in Georgia for 7 years and hated it.
- Definition of a good song is alot of drums and a loud guitar
- I have had my heart broken twice, the second time hurt more then the first.
- I won’t leave the house without earrings on.
- I squeeze my toothpaste from the middle.
- I say “dude” several times through out the day.
- I find the term “You are such a girl” insulting.
- I want to be a stay at home mom.
- I don’t want to mirror my parent’s marriage.
- I think about living on a boat for a year.
- I graduated high school a year early.
- I am horrible and grammar and spelling yet I am a secretary.
- I am speak English and Spanish but neither of them very well.
- I stick my foot in my mouth constantly.
- My creativity sometimes surprises me.
- I secretly wish I could have a surrogate carry and have my child.
- I have never taken a driving exam, yet I have a valid driver’s license.
- People who play their music really loud in there car with the bass cranked and make my car vibrate annoy me..
- I don’t know what to do or say when someone is seriously ill or a loved one has passed away, so I usually say nothing.
- I sell real estate part time and I have no clue what I am doing.
- I was born with my hips dislocated.
- It drives me crazy when people scrap there teeth on their fork or spoon.
- I have a weakness for purses and shoes.
- I would not hire myself as a secretary.
- My car is paid off, first thing I have ever owned free and clear.
- I like bacon and onions on my pizza.
- My dog sleeps with me and takes up half the bed.
- I am an amateur photographer.
- I love my new job..
- I talk to my dog and dance around my apartment when I am alone.
- I use to be a smoker.
- I make silly faces in the mirror when I am bored.
- My favorite snack is a bowl of cereal.
- I wash my feet after I take my shoes off.
Ever Feel Like This?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Regular Weekend
Hello! Well I had a good although regular weekend, actually it was so regular I can’t remember exactly what I did, but it consisted of dinner with friends and a movie. I went to see “The Island” over the weekend, which for some reason, which I can’t understand, is not doing well and has gotten really bad reviews from the critics, yet most Joe Shmoes really enjoyed it. I though it was a great movie, a must see in fact. Although there is one scene in particular that is pretty unbelievable but it is a movie after all, if the protagonist hadn’t survived the movie would have ended. Anyway it was a good movie and I think it had a great message of how you need to be careful when you try to play God.