Now please correct me if I am wrong but aren’t computers and all of this advanced technology that we have at our fingertips suppose to make things easier and more efficient? Then why is it that I come into work everyday and I ALWAYS have a moment that I want to grab my monitor or keyboard or whatever and throw it out the window? I really think sometimes that I would prefer to work on a typewriter. Think about it. You don’t have to worry about troubleshooting print jobs because it is right there. You don’t have to worry about saving every 5 seconds, because a typewriter doesn’t crash. You don’t have to beat your mouse repeatedly against the mouse pad because a typewriter won’t freeze on you. Have you ever heard of a typewriter getting a virus? I haven’t. Granted dealing with carbon copy paper would be a pain and I am of the generation before typewriters so I may not know what I am talking about, but COME ON am I going to have to threaten my computer and hold it dangling out a window threatening to drop it if it doesn’t behave or if it crashed one more time!
Think about what it has also done to our culture. We are a society of ADHD! Everyone has this need to be connected and constantly entertained. Family cars come with entertainment systems in them. Why not encourage your kid to read or play a game? A man in South Korea just dropped dead from playing a computer game for 49 hours straight! Does this not seem a little much? People are walking around now with “Bluetooth” ear pieces for their cell phone…you know the futuristic looking thing with the blinking blue light attached to their ear, because no one wants to miss a call. Everyone is on a cell phone everywhere! I went to the restroom the other day at a restaurant and some woman was in the stall next to me ON THE PHONE! Is it me or is this a little obsessive? Don’t get me wrong I do know may of the benefits of technology, I use them every day, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t annoy me or that we as a society are any better off.
It is just amazing to me how technology has affected society so much. It keeps us constantly occupied and you can easily end up with no time to yourself or time to spend with God. It also has had a huge part in taking God’s place in our lives. Before all of this people we more dependant on God and his word, because we didn’t have that quick fix before to take his place, like the computer game, internet, cell phone, etc.
If you take a leap and dare to do something different, turn off your phone, tv, computer and spend some quiet time alone and see what are your thoughts and what is in your heart, pray about it write it down, you will be surprised by what comes out and how free you feel afterwards.
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