Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Murphy's Law
Monday, October 24, 2005
SCORE! Got a Listing Appoitment!
They say you have to list to survive and folks I got my first listing appointment. I just pray I get the listing! In fact I will get the listing! God truly ROCKS! I had been sitting there prospecting, feeling a little glum because my buyer had backed out and I was getting my share of hang-ups so I decided to switch to For Sale By Owners called FSBOs in the business, that is pronounced "Fizz-bows". Low and behold my 4 FSBO bites and I got an appointment tomorrow at 6! ROCK ON!
technorati tag: real estate
It's A Small World After All!
Talk about a small world! The coolest thing just happened. I got an email from a girl the other day with the same last name as my grandmother on my dad's side. She had emailed me about a rental that I have listed. So I emailed her back and said the rental was still available and I told her that her last name was a family name and asked if she was from PR. Well she called me today, and it turns out she is, and she is a Regent student. Even cooler a few weeks ago or a month ago i was at a "after church welcome gathering" and I met this family. The husband was from Argentina and the wife from the Dominican Republic and they had 3 boys. The husband mentioned to me that they had a friend who was from PR and went to Regent. So I gave him my card to give her my number and give me a call, but he never did. Well today the girl that I just talked to was the same girl he mentioned to me. We are going to try and get together sometime, we were on the phone for about 30 mins! LOL Talking PR Spanish.....LOL.
technorati tag: small world
Consequences of Lazy Weekends and Buyer Backout
So like I told you I did absolutely nothing over the weekend except for sleep in, unpack a few things and lay on the couch. It was a fabulous weekend, however I needed to clean out my car and make it presentable because it was seriously trashed and dirty from the move, considering I used my tiny Honda Civic as a moving van but that is besides the point. So because of my extreme case of laziness I never got around to cleaning out my car over the weekend, and I made the mistake of taking a huge nap on Sunday and therefore staying up WAY too late Sunday night.
Monday morning comes around and I believe I set the alarm to go off at 7, but I am sure I snoozed it about.....oh let say.....1,204,432 times, ok that is an exaggeration but you get my point. Finally I drag my tail out of bed because I remember that I have an appointment to go pick up a buyer and take him around to see some houses and I still haven't cleaned out the inside of my car, not to mention the olive oil that some how managed to trickle all down the handle of my passenger door. I lay there and debate if I REALLY need to get up, because I just have this gut feeling that he is going to cancel but either way I shouldn't risk it and it is not good to bring a client into your car when it is in that condition. Yeah defiantly the collection of, dust, sand, cat hair, pennies, pens, tiny pieces of paper and I think I found a petrified French fry between the seat and the center console.....yeah not a good thing. So I get up and put on my most oversized and comfortable pair of sweats, pull my matted hair back in a ponytail, gargle some mouthwash (I will brush when I am getting ready) and grab the vacuum. As I leave my room I am startled by the grey colored mutant with matted hair and raccoon eyes that I see in my full length mirror with my peripheral vision (I really need to start washing my face before I go to bed) ......then suddenly there is a momentary sigh of relief when I realize it is just me.....then I begin to worry for my future husband and pray he doesn't die of shock the first time he wakes up to me in the morning.
Half asleep and realizing that I shouldn't have taken a shortcut and should have just gone ahead and brushed my teeth....ick! I garb a plastic bag, paper towel and some wet wipes with my vacuum in toe to go clean out my car......it is 8 in the morning. (Since I started my own schedule 8 has become and ungodly hour for me to be up doing hard labor) I get the car all cleaned up and presentable and the olive oil has managed to leave a nice sheen to my passenger door. I head inside to get ready, making myself into Super Fabulous Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire(I have a sudden vision of me with a cape in a Jones New York suit with a Kenneth Cole briefcase holding a SOLD sign).
I jump into my now nice clean and presentable Honda Civic and off I go. In my head I thinking of all the things I need to get done and calls I need to make before picking up my buyer to go look at some properties. I also make note that I am running low on gas and should gas up before picking up my buyer....then the phone rings. Guess who? BINGO......and tell them what they won! It is my buyer:
Phone Call Transcript:
Meseidy: Good Morning this is Meseidy
Buyer: Meseidy good morning this is *****
Meseidy: Hey ***** what can I do for you?
Buyer: You are going to hate me.
Meseidy: You know I had a feeling u were going to cancel.
Buyer: Yeah, but you are going to hate me for another reason.......I decided to rent, I found a place over the weekend.
Needless to say, I lost a buyer, he was on the fence anyway so I wasn't shocked, but still not a way to start a Monday morning. I should have gone with my gut, or maybe God was just telling me to relax, I could clean my car another day. It is all good, my car is clean and I am still Super Fabulous Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire (Just need work on getting the Jones New York suit and Kenneth Cole briefcase) .
technorati tag: mondays
Sunday, October 23, 2005
I Have Done Nothing
Friday, October 21, 2005
Prospecting for Business
I take one to two hours of my day and make cold calls prospecting for business. Here was one of this mornings calls.....I can't help but laugh sometimes. Mind you I am told to stay on script until my 5th question.
Hi this is Meseidy with ******....and I was wondering....When do you plan on moving?
Prospect: When I die.
When you die....Terrific! How long have you lived at this address?
Prospect: 5 years
Great! Where did you folks move from?
Prospect: Down the street.
Good for you! How did you happen to pick this area?
Prospect: My daughter lives here.
Excellent! If you were to move...where would you go next?
Prospect: To the cemetary!
Well thank you very much! Have a great day!
Sigh, can't like everything about you job. Prospecting is the one thing I am not crazy about....LOL
technorati tag: work
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Divorce Party?
Does anyone find this a little disturbing, distasteful or just plain wrong? Now people are throwing divorce parities? I find this sad.
Many Throw Parties to Toast Divorces
Celebrating a New Beginning Without the Old Spouse
16, 2005 — After three decades of marriage and years of fighting over a nasty divorce settlement, it's time for Madalyn Pollit to party. As she toasts to "the beginning of the best years of my life," Eollitt is part of a trend of women and men embracing their breakups with divorce parties.
"A new season, a new me, a new beginning: That's why I wanted the party," Pollit said. "I wanted to celebrate my new life." Part celebration, part exorcism, the parties typically involve a signature cocktail — marriage on the rocks. And, it wouldn't be a party without some games. Remember Diane Keaton tossing her wedding ring into a glass of champagne in "The First Wives Club"? Well, there's throw the wedding ring in the toilet" and "pin the blame on the ex." And there usually are voodoo dolls. Less Shame? With nearly half of all marriages ending before 'til death do us part, divorce has gone from a private shame to a peculiar rite of passage. Even in the Muslim world,
where divorce is still a disgrace, divorce parties offer a way for women to redeem themselves.
In Morocco, single men are invited to the party and they bring the woman perfume, money, even camels. The party lasts for three days or as long as it takes for the woman to find a new ompanion.
America may not have the camels, but we do have businesses that are cashing in on the breakup
party circuit. Plumparty.com sells all the fixings for a great bash. Theytookeverything.com offers a divorce gift registry. And, thousands of copies of "How to Throw a Divorce or Breakup Party" have been sold.
The Right Time to Party?
But this trend doesn't put everyone in the party mood. Some divorcees believe the end of a sacred union weighs too heavy on the heart. "I don't find anything funny about divorce at all," said Jim Clarke, who is divorced. "I find the whole experience rather tragic." But marriage
therapist Helen Rudinsky says there can be a right time to celebrate. "You're not grieving, you're not pining over the relationship," said Rudinsky, who practices in Washington, D.C. "You wish them well. It didn't work out. You're going forward." "It's a different kind of party," Madalynn
Politt said. "It's kind of like a New Year's Eve celebration, but it's a new life's eve celebration."
technorati tag: divorce
Finally I Am Connected!
I am finally connected at home, yes folks I have internet at home! Which hopefully means I will be able to blog more regularly since I have been since I stopped working at the law office. HURRAY! Now I just need to get back into the swing of things and continue bloging all the interesting and off the wall things that I use to blog. LOL
What has been going on? Well where should I begin? Some of you may know that I finally was able to naw off that chain that had be tied to a desk and in front of a typewriter and I am finally doing what I really wanted to do, I am selling real estate full time and I am loving it. Also I have moved and I have a great roommate and live 2 blocks from the beach! You can't beat that! Although it is a bit of a party neighborhood so on the weekends that neighbors get a little loud and roudy.....but it's all good, they aren't too bad. Also, I have finally found a great church that I love and am getting really involved with, it rocks! Praise God for everything he has done in just the last few months, it has truly been a season of great and postive change!
Well I will continue to keep you posted and I promise to be back again!
technorati tag: update
Monday, October 17, 2005
I spent practically.....no not practically....the entire weekend moving. I am soooooo tired! But I am finally moved out of my studio and into the duplex at the beach. HURRAY! My back, arms and calves are killing me but I will survive.
I have been suffering from a constant allegry attack all weekend. I am going to guess it is the combo of dust and cat hair from the studio. My face is all red and blochy and I cannot get my eyes to stop itching.
I am not sure what it is about me but initially when I am moving the idea of moving doesn't bother me so much. I usually think..."no sweat, shouldn't be to difficult"...then you start and your realize all the junk you have and have no clue what to do with it or where to pack it. For example I was amazed by the amount of Glade plugins I have and not the small cheap flat ones but the big ones that heat up scented oil. Once I finished emptying out the draw and collecting the ones i had around the apartment I had to have had about 10 at least. Does this not seem odd? I guess I have been collecting them and storing them and forgeting about them, then to go out and buy more. The other thing I found alot of were tealight candles, they were all over the place! Ultimatly you end up with a box or two of where you dump all the "junk". Now to figure out where to put this junk......sigh.
I do love my new place though and my roommate is great. It is a shame that I moved to the beach at the beginning of the fall but I will be able to enjoy it when the summer comes around again. I plan to take advantage and go for a few walks and runs before it gets really cold.
Ok well I am out of here so I can get some work done, and put some makeup on this itch blochy face....lol.
technorati tag: moving
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Ewwwwy Squishy!

Ewwww Right! Well put your hand in it and squish....the sensation is defiantly interesting. Wet squishiness in you hands and pulling the strings and seeds squeezing and popping right out....now that I think of it I am sure you place the seed just right, apply just the right kind of pressure and have the perfect amount of slippery squishiness the seed could potentially become a small projectile missile..lol.
It was kind of funny because I was very structured with the creative process of my pumpkin carving, I could just dive in and draw directly on the pumpkin I had to draw several faces on paper first before I could decided what I wanted to do as opposed to one of my fellow pumpkin carvers who said to me that I needed to be "hardcore" and "just dive in".....lol.
It was all very fun and I got to make killer "Psycho" sound effects as I stabbed and carved my pumpkin. :)
technorati tag: halloween
Monday, October 10, 2005
Oh my loyal readers......which if I did have any I no longer do because I have been MIA for awhile....LOL. Well I have a blessing to report, the Lord has provided once again and I have sold another house HURRAY! Let's just pray that it closes!
Also I am in the process of moving, I am saying bye bye to the posh studio and my demon kitty and hello to a duplex 2 blocks from the beach. HURRAY!!!! YEAH BABY!
Soon however once I move into my new place I will have internet at home and will beable to post more often. It has been difficult lately because my schedule is no longer as predictable as it was before. :) Which in my opinion is a good thing!
Well I hope all it well I promise I will be back.
technorati tag: update