I am finally connected at home, yes folks I have internet at home! Which hopefully means I will be able to blog more regularly since I have been since I stopped working at the law office. HURRAY! Now I just need to get back into the swing of things and continue bloging all the interesting and off the wall things that I use to blog. LOL
What has been going on? Well where should I begin? Some of you may know that I finally was able to naw off that chain that had be tied to a desk and in front of a typewriter and I am finally doing what I really wanted to do, I am selling real estate full time and I am loving it. Also I have moved and I have a great roommate and live 2 blocks from the beach! You can't beat that! Although it is a bit of a party neighborhood so on the weekends that neighbors get a little loud and roudy.....but it's all good, they aren't too bad. Also, I have finally found a great church that I love and am getting really involved with, it rocks! Praise God for everything he has done in just the last few months, it has truly been a season of great and postive change!
Well I will continue to keep you posted and I promise to be back again!
technorati tag: update
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