Tuesday, November 29, 2005

80's Flashback

Early this morning I am driving down the highway flipping the radio station looking for something to listen to and suddenly I hear the beginning of a very familiar song. It is an 80's classic "Love is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar, I crank it up and sing along to as many of the works and I can remember. I am hopping up and down in my seat as I am driving, rocking out and I am sure that if anyone saw me they thought one of two thing, either I was crazy or I was having a seizure. Then I start to flash back to when I was a kid and I remember jumping up and down on the bed with my mother singing to "Love is a Battlefield". Oh my goodness and do you remember the clothes that they wore in this video!? They were like layers upong layers of torn t-shirts made into dresses with 10 pounds of jewlery and torn fishnet stockings! Looking back now it was hilarious, what were we thinking that was cool back then. It was a good story though, lost and misguided teen runs off, makes poor choices but then runs back home.

The 80's got to love them!

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Monday, November 28, 2005

Something that Bugs Me!

It really bugs me when I am sound asleep having a good dream and the alarm goes off and wakes me and what really bugs me is when I and sound alseep having a good dream and I wake myself up because I have to go to the bathroom. UGH! I just want to lay in bed another 15 mins!

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Sunday, November 27, 2005

PETA Tells Kids to Run From Daddy

Ok I have come to the conclusion that PETA has truly finally lost it. I say slap me a seasoned 12oz steak on the grill and serve it to me medium rare, got to maintain those natural juices.

PETA Tells Kids to Run From Daddy

PETA, has begun a campaign to scare children into becoming vegetarians. The group, which formed to stop animal testing of consumer products but made its name by attacking women in fur coats with fake blood, is producing comic books that portray fathers as homicidal maniacs.The handout, titled "Your Daddy Kills Animals," features a grinning lunatic gutting a fish, and warns kids to keep their puppies and kittens away from Dad because he's "hooked on killing."

"PETA is trying as hard as it can to portray the ordinary angler as a demonic, sadistic, cruel killer. This is what PETA does — it paints caricatures of ordinary people to try to convince the rest of us that we shouldn't want to emulate them," said David Martosko, of the industry lobbying group Center for Consumer Freedom. But PETA insists that its comic is not outlandish.

The scientific facts are that fish feel pain in the same way as dogs and cats. It's no more acceptable to hook a fish through the mouth and drag them into your boat and slice them in half than it would be to do the exact same thing to a dog or a cat," said Bruce Friedrich, vegan campaign coordinator for PETA.

Publicity stunts are nothing new for PETA, which has run ads featuring naked women in cages and people dressed in animal suits warning about the dangers of eating meat. But some critics feel the kid-targeted campaign goes too far.

"This is traumatizing kids by the thousands. There's going to be long-term psychological damage from these kids being exposed to the material that PETA puts in front of them on a regular basis," Martosko said.

But, Friedrich countered, "They can certainly find stuff that is more in your face on the Internet, more in your face on Saturday morning cartoons. We don't need to shelter our kids quite that much."

The pamphlet follows a previous one that painted Mom as a "chicken killer." PETA claims its only goal is to reduce meat consumption by changing children's eating habits. Critics insist alienating children from their parents isn't in anyone's best interests — human or animal.

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Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

Well Thanksgiving weekend is over an I am officially turkeyed out! Spent the holiday with my roomates family. I ate 2 plates of food and had dessert! UGH, I thought I was going to explode and the tryptophan REALLY kicked in. My roomate and I layed on the floor to watch a movie and I passed out, then when she woke me up we went to go visit her grandmother and I was practically lathargic. If I uttered more the 5 words that was alot. All in all it was a good thanksgiveing and I got my filling of turkey, my only disappointment was that there was no cranberry sauce, but I guess you can't have it all.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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Friday, November 18, 2005

Knuckle Cruncher or Dead Fish?

The longer I am in this business I am experiancing the may different varieties of handshakes, today I experiances a Knuckle Cruncher. Here is a list of the most common handshakes:

What's this Handshake Business About, Anyway?

5 Basic Types of Handshakes

There are 5 basic types of handshakes that most of us have experienced. Perhaps you can think of others.

Knuckle Cruncher

This type of person is earnest but nervous. While meaning to convey warmth through a tight grip of your hand, the person only causes you pain. The impression created is definitely that of a person who lacks sensitivity.

Dead Fish Handshaker

This type of person, who places a limp, lifeless hand in yours, is sending a negative message. While the knuckle cruncher hurts you, at least there is a desire to express a real feeling. You are left with the impression of this person having a lackluster personality.


This handshake is overly eager but also insecure. This person doesn’t know when to quit, almost as if stalling because of not knowing what to do next. They keep on vigorously pumping your hand up and down—and with it your entire arm. You may not feel pain but you certainly feel foolish.

Sanitary Handshaker

This person will barely put three or four fingers in your hand—and then withdraw them quickly, almost as if afraid of catching a dread disease. They appear timid and sheepish.
Condolence HandshakerThis is the person who comes across as too familiar, clasping your right arm or hand, and perhaps attempting to hug you. This behavior may be appreciated at a funeral, but it comes across as condescending and inappropriate.

Proper Handshaking

The protocol for handshaking is simple to learn. Here is what you should do: Walk up to the person you want to meet. Look into their eyes, smile, and extend you hand. Offer a warm, firm, palm-to-palm handshake.

When you proffer your hand to a stranger or a distant acquaintance, simultaneously say, “My name is......( use both first and last names ). This way you eliminate the awkward moment of the forgotten name. The person being greeted is often relieved at being reminded, and will usually respond with their full name, which will in turn relieve you.

Both men and women should rise to shake hands. Rising is a compliment; it shows energy and eagerness to connect.

Initiating a proper handshake will make an incredibly positive impression. You will be perceived as a person who is knowledgeable, possesses excellent social skills, and has leadership capabilities.

An excellent handshake shows your charm and self-confidence. It becomes an integral part of your style.

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Honestly Do I Think I am Superwoman?

I look at my schedule and think of all the things I got my hands in and I begin to worder if I think I am Superwoman. I am working hard, on the phone running around trying to get my real estate going, I have now found a part time as a server at a restaraunt which I still need to do my training. I am involved with both the childeren's ministry and career singles ministry and soon I will be doing a mentoring program with under priviledged childeren. All this, including trying to just maintain my regular live and keep my head about water.

I find myself saying yes more then no, and to be honest it doens't bother me at all, I actually enjoy it. What amazes me is that I find myself always thinking of another thing I can get involved in or do and then I have to come back down to earth and realize.....um hello your not Superwoman, get a grip! It is really quite amazing because I think I use to be one of the most selfish self absorbed people, pretty awesome how things can change.

So this week besides several appointments that I had, and several that I have tomorrow. My office is having a grand opening party tommorrow and I need to go to the store to get a few things that I need for a party that I am getting together this Saturday. So Saturday morning I have a training class for the mentoring program then I have to go and cook for the Thanksgiving Pot Luck and host/attend the party, pick up and go home, to then wake up early the next morning to work at the nursery and then go to church. I love it, it is so much fun!

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

End of the Spear

I saw an incredible movie last night at a prescreening, that I recommend everyone go out and see. It is a movie about the true story of the missionaries who were killed by the Waodani indian tribe in Ecuador. The movie is coming out in theaters January 20, it is called End of the Spear.

Check out the website for the whole story and the trailer.

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How Awesome is He!

How awesome is God! I just got another listing appointment! Out of the blue my schedule blows up! I have 2 listing appointments and one showing this evening! Can you tell I am a little excited. It just so great! I had an awful time last night trying to fall asleep. Got a serious case of insomnia, thinking about a million things and just praying and asking God to give me some peace. Also, the business this month had been going slow and of course I was getting nervous. It is really hard when you are just starting out, but as always he delivered and gave me some good solid proscepcts. God does hear and answer your prayers and even if none of these follow through I am sure that they will eventually, so it is just another prospect in the funnel. I trust that everything will be fine, because I put it all in His hands. :)

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Listing Appointment Update

Ok just a quick update, that listing appointment I was suppose to have yesterday got cancelled first thing in the morning, UGH! However, I got it rescheduled for this Friday. Only problem is that it is my office's grand opening so it may be a little hectic and I wanted to take my broker with me since this is a high priced property, so I am praying that she will be able to go, if not I maybe flying solo. I will keep you posted.

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Monday, November 14, 2005

Listing Appointment! - Say a little prayer

Hurray! I have gotten another listing appointment. Now I did give you and update on the last one that I had because well #1 I didn't get it and #2 it was crazy! The couple was not on the same page, alot of animosity in the air not to mention the all the comotion going on in the house. Needless to say I did not have a captivated audiance. So say a little prayer that that this listing presentation goes a little better and that I actually get the listing, then once I get the listing pray that it sells! :) Anyway my listing presentation is tomorrow late morning, I will let you know how it goes.

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Hair Do Mishap

Ok so you try and to something new right? I have naturally straight hair with just a little bit of a wave, and over the weekend I got experimental and decided to curl it with a curling iron and I was very please with the results. However I was not pleased with the amount of time that it took. Even though I don't have a ton of hair the whole process of curling individual strands witha curling iron was very time consuming not to mentioned that I managed to burn myself with the curling iron. I have a lovely red blotch on the edge of my hairline. So today after church I ran over to the store to get some dishwashing detergent and some mousse because I had just ran out. As I am standing in the hair product aisle I see this set of foam curls so I think that maybe this will be an easier way to curl my hair, hoping that some how I can manage the same results without have to use the curling iron and injuring myself yet again.

So I follow the directions on the case of curlers. It says to set the curlers in when your hair is damp and then wait for it to dry.......after a few hours this is what I got....

Not exactly what I was going for! Needless to say I won't be using the curlers again, I will just have to be more careful with the curling iron.

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Flan and Party Success

Success! I used a different receipe and the flan came out perfect and it was a hit. The party on Saturday was a hit all the way around. I cooked and slaved all day and it was well worth it. I think about 20 people showed up and my food was gone in no time! The menu was pernil which (well seasoned pork shoulder), arroz con gandules (spanish rice with pigeon peas), tostones (fried plaintains) and coconut flan and everyone ate. Next time I know to make just a little more because people wanted seconds but there wasn't enough for 2 trips.

It was a beautiful evening outside, so we got to use the deck and there were a few latins in the group so we put on some music and got some dancing going. It was a blast and I am still getting emails from people saying they enjoyed it.

When it was all over and done with I was exhausted and my roomate was awesome enough to pick up, because I could barely move. Then I had to get up early the next morning and help at my church in the nursery for the morning service. I was in church by 8:30 a.m. on Sunday. Soooooo tired, but the babies were great and sooooo much fun!

Good times!

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Friday, November 04, 2005

Flan - A Failed Attempt

I have failed, failed miserably. I attempted to make a coconut flan and flopped. So sad! I followed the directions yet the center did not cook all the way through. However I think that possibly I didn't let it cool long enough, but who knows. The point is when I flipped it the center was soup, UGH! So tommorrow I will again attempt the flan. I will keep you posted.

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