Thursday, November 17, 2005

Honestly Do I Think I am Superwoman?

I look at my schedule and think of all the things I got my hands in and I begin to worder if I think I am Superwoman. I am working hard, on the phone running around trying to get my real estate going, I have now found a part time as a server at a restaraunt which I still need to do my training. I am involved with both the childeren's ministry and career singles ministry and soon I will be doing a mentoring program with under priviledged childeren. All this, including trying to just maintain my regular live and keep my head about water.

I find myself saying yes more then no, and to be honest it doens't bother me at all, I actually enjoy it. What amazes me is that I find myself always thinking of another thing I can get involved in or do and then I have to come back down to earth and hello your not Superwoman, get a grip! It is really quite amazing because I think I use to be one of the most selfish self absorbed people, pretty awesome how things can change.

So this week besides several appointments that I had, and several that I have tomorrow. My office is having a grand opening party tommorrow and I need to go to the store to get a few things that I need for a party that I am getting together this Saturday. So Saturday morning I have a training class for the mentoring program then I have to go and cook for the Thanksgiving Pot Luck and host/attend the party, pick up and go home, to then wake up early the next morning to work at the nursery and then go to church. I love it, it is so much fun!

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