Sunday, February 26, 2006

Yes I Know I Don't Look Puerto Rican......But I Am!

Typical conversation when I am asked where I am from, and my inner monologue.

Person: Where are you from?

Me: From Puerto Rico..(5 bucks they say I don't look Puerto Rican)

Person: But you don't look like you are Puerto Rican

Me: Yeah, I get that all the time.....(I just made it up to mess with you....HELLO!)

Person: But your not full blooded?

Me: Yes, I am full blooded Puerto Rican.....(I think I know what I am)

Person: So neither of your parents are white?

Me: No, both my parents are Puerto Rican......(I just said I was full blooded didn't I)

Person: Have you ever lived there?

Me: Yes, I went to high school and college there......(Because you look different if you have lived there?)

Person: Really!?

Me: Yup.....(Ugh!)

Person: Wow, you don't look Puerto Rican

Me: *Shrug*....(Sigh, I promise I am not making it up. Maybe if I go put on some brown contact lenses, perm my hair, color it black and lay in a tanning bed for 1 hour you will believe me.)


Anonymous said...

Good to hear that you are ok!!!! Next time star talking in Spanish, they may belive you then. If all else fails tirate un Coño!!!! and there will be no doubd that you are Puertoricn

TJ said...

I am a southern girl transplanted to Ohio.
If I open my mouth and speak--which I cannot help doing being the friendly gal that I am...well then, the question is asked..."Where are you from???" I want to be a smarty and say ___ Ohio...but I tell them what they want to know and say lady even asked long will it take you to loose the accent...I am 44 years old...I don't think my accent is going anyplace. So, I can kind of relate.

Unknown said...

Yep, I'm Puerto Rican as well and I get that too. Usually they think I'm Italian, Greek or from Spain. What's worse if when they say that I don't "act" or "talk" like a Puerto Rican. What the heck is that?

Unknown said...

By the way, love your blog.