Thursday, April 27, 2006

Top 10 Things That Will Make Your Server Not Like You

During this short time that I have been moonlighting as a server, I have come to discover the habits of patrons that are just plain irritating.

Top 10 Things That Will Irritate Your Server

10. Asking for coffee or worse hot tea....I know you are within your right, but do you know how complicated it is to serve hot tea or coffee?

9. The addorible toddler that gets more mac and cheese on the table and floor then in their mouth and the parents that are so kind to leave it there......It is ok I was hungry anyways.

8. Saying you are ready to order and taking another 5 mins to order your food....sigh

7. Making more then 2 adjustments to your meal.......How many more things do you want on the side?

6. Asking to box up 3 leaves of lettece and a crouton.....I guess there are starving childern in world.

5. Not taking a breath while your server stands there waiting to take your order or ask a question......It is ok I have all day to stand here, not like I don't have another table and just got double sat!

4. Be on the cell phone while trying to take your order..... "How would you like your steak "ring, ring"...Oh I am sorry just a moment sir."

3. Ask them to get somthing for you everytime they come to your table..... Just ask for everything you need at once people!

2. Sitting at a table for 30 mins or more on a Saturday night during a 30 min wait, after you have paid your check......Mind if I sit with you...not like I am going to be making any more money anyway.


1. Grab your servers arm or sleeve to get there attention....Can I grab your arm or sleeve when I need your attention?

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