Thursday, May 11, 2006

Daisy Duck and Her Boys

This hot mama has been hanging out in our front lawn with these two boys for about a week now. They follow her where ever she goes, it is really pretty funny. Apparently she has got that special something about her that makes these boys fight for her attention.

Yesterday when I stepped outside they came running to the door to be fed, because I have been throwing them scraps of bread every once in awhile. So apparently they are taking up residency in my front lawn...which is fine....doesn't bother me, but our neighbor's dog Skeeter has a different opinion. He barks at them and everytime he is outside he chases them down. It is pretty funny to watch these ducks quickly waddle away.

So here I introduce you to my new neighbors, Dasiy is in the middle, Donald on the left and Daffy on the right. I think Dasiy needs to stop being so fickled and pick Daffy, he is much nicer then Donald...and better looking.

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