technorati tag: moving
No matter how good we look, we all have some dirt under our nails.
technorati tag: moving
Ok so I came to the conclusion that I did not like my new layout so I changed it.....again. I still need to tweek it but I think I like it. By the way do you see the dots in the background?
technorati tag: templates
In 10 mins I will be on my way home to start moving my stuff and needless to say I am a little stressed. I have recently found out that my apartment isn't totally ready yet and they are still working on it even though it was promised to be ready by today. I will be back with an update on Moving Day.
technorati tag: moving
The fact of the matter is that if I continue to ignore the warning sign it is more then likely at some point it is going to "break" and then I am going to be without a car...not good. I guess what I am saying is that ignoring the problem is obviously not a solution to the problem and it could just end up blowing up in your face.
I think I may call the mechanic.
technorati tag: life
I have started a photo blog for all the pictues I am taking with my new camera. Check it out http://dirtypolishphoto.blogspot.com/.
technorati tag: pets
Main Entry: 1borePronunciation: 'borFunction: verbInflected Form(s): bored; borĂ‚·ingEtymology: Middle English, from Old English borian; akin to Old High German borOn to bore, Latin forare to bore, ferire to striketransitive verb1 : to pierce with a turning or twisting movement of a tool2 : to make (as a cylindrical hole) by boring or digging away materialintransitive verb1 a : to make a hole by or as if by boring b : to sink a mine shaft or well2 : to make one's way steadily especially against resistance- OR -Main Entry: 6boreFunction: transitive verbInflected Form(s): bored; borĂ‚·ing:to cause to feel boredom
So if you really start to think about it "bored out of my mind" makes a lot of sense. The root "to bore" is to tunnel or dig, to dig out if you will. Bored is to cause the feeling of boredom so in essence it makes sense that when something cause the feeling of boredom we are compeled to dig or if you will "bore" out of our mind to get away from the boredom.
technorati tag: deep thoughts
I went home last night to try out my new camera and of course I chose Buster as my subject. However, I came to discover last night that apparently my puppy is a little camera shy.
technorati tag: pets
HURRAY! I finally got my new camera and the first thing I decided to to was to take pics of my office. Why you ask? Well because when I first moved into this office is was full of harsh light, fack ivy and chessy seanic pictures and PLATES! You know the kind your mother hangs on the wall. Totally not my style, especially considering I am in here for 8 hrs of the day. So I decided to do an update and this is the result. I LIKEY!
Amazing FeetsBy Laura J. Bagby, CBN.com Sr. Producer
CBN.com – The other day I was admiring my Puerto Rican friend’s fancy feet, shod in some gemstone-gilded, strappy concoction. She gushed expressively that her recent purchase was directly linked to having a horrible day. To brighten her mood, she had decided to take herself shopping and indulge in a pair of stilettos.
I can relate. Only for me, I don’t need a really bad day to lure me into the luxury of slipping on a pair of pretty shoes. Believe me, one of my guy friends knows me well on this one. Every time I innocently suggest we shop for shoes, he smiles because he
knows he is in for some giddiness on my part.I am quite partial to the Cinderella variety, the kind that’s dainty or fancy or glittery or gold or maybe even all of the above, certainly high and girly. Perhaps it’s a throwback to my dress-up days as a child, when my older sister, Mel, and I would raid the treasure trove of Mom’s old clothes box. We ended up in some getup with gloves, scarves, hats, parasols, and heels and would pretend to be elegant ladies. Or maybe it simply goes back to just freeing up my feminine side to come out and play. Well, that’s my excuse anyway.
My tall-shoe fixation certainly doesn’t have anything to do with a diminutive stature. No, I am tall, about 5 feet 9 inches or so. In high heels, I can tower at about 6 feet. Lest you think it, wearing high heels isn’t some sign that I hate men or want to remain single the rest of my life. I have to say this now because I have had a run-in on this one.
I was with my 5-foot-2-inch roomie in a shoe store about three years ago. I had just placed yet another pair of slides on my feet and was prancing around in delight when an older and much shorter woman looked sternly into my jubilant face and wiped the smile completely away with her caustic sentiments. I don’t recall the exact words of that conversation—likely because I blocked those stinging thoughts from my memory—but the scenario went something like this:
“Do you really need to be wearing shoes that high, seeing as how you are already so tall?”
I wasn’t exactly prepared for a confrontation from someone I didn’t know and hadn’t even noticed. But somehow I had obviously unintentionally offended this frumpy, practical-shoe-type woman and now she demanded an answer.
So I shot back matter-of-factly, “I just like wearing them, and I don’t really care what people think.”
I was hoping that my curt reply, though said with a lighthearted smile, would stop
this agenda-driven woman dead in her tracks. But I was wrong.“How old are you?” she asked, determined to get at the bottom of my perceived wrong motive.
Don’t ask me why I replied, but when I did, I felt a bit helpless in her disapproving glances.
“Uh, 33,” I choked as nonchalantly as possible, trying to avoid her gaze as I looked for the highest pair of heels I could find.
It must have suddenly dawned on her that my ring finger on my left hand was noticeably naked of a glistening rock, because she confidently went straight for the kill.
“How do you expect to land a man by wearing tall shoes like those?”
OK. That’s it. Now you are stepping on sacred ground here, Lady. Equating my spinsterhood with the height of my shoe is a ridiculous notion.
I walked away partially stripped of my confidence. I didn’t buy any shoes that day and I had to have my roommate build me back up again. It was an altogether deflating shoe day.
Fast forward to yesterday. I opted for the pair of gold wedge sandals that I recently bought. I figured they would put a spring in my step after a string of rainy days. Well, spring isn’t exactly what I got—it was more like a consistently loud clomp. I should have checked my shoes for loudness at the store, but, honestly, who does that?
By early morning, my feet had kept their metronome pace so well that I had to laugh at myself. By the evening, one of my coworkers was snapping his fingers to the beat of my trudge. I good-naturedly smiled back. Note to self: don’t walk in with these shoes on in the middle of a prayer meeting.
In the above examples, intentionally or not, I had made a very clear statement just by the shoes I chose to wear— and neither message was what I was trying to present. I wasn’t trying to showcase my feministic independence, nor was I trying to be tacky and brash. I was simply attempting to be beautiful.
Oh, but left to my own devices, my attempts at beauty fall far, far short of the glory of God. I admit that outward appearances often get the better of me. Sometimes I am more focused on external beauty than the deeper and hidden things of the spirit. But God wants me to exhibit traits that go much deeper than an attractive exterior.
In 1 Peter 3:3-4 the Bible tells us, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight” (NIV, emphasis mine).
I read this passage and I just inwardly cringe because I know that on so many days, the spirit in me is restless and discontented and running toward shallow things. Instead, I should be running toward God.
Ultimately, my feet should be “fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace” (NIV) or shod “with the preparation of the gospel of peace” (NKJ), as it says in Ephesians 6:15, a familiar passage listing the pieces of the armor of God that are meant to eradicate Satan’s evil schemes. I have to wonder exactly what those kind of devil-stomping shoes look like. I bet they are absolutely glorious!
And while I am at it, I had best have the rest of me dressed for success as well—according to the holy ways of God. Look at what Colossians 3:12 has to say: “Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” At other places in the Word, we are told to clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Himself (Romans 13:14, Galatians 3:27).
Now, what about you? What kind of spiritual statement are you making with those fancy feet of yours? Are you choosing to walk confidently on sacred ground? If so, are you donning the correct footwear? Are you choosing to walk wisely and to make all your paths peaceful, as Proverbs 3:17 instructs? I pray that you and I as women will demonstrate the kind of beauty that is eternal, a beauty that is marked with the
extravagant love of Christ, the boldness of the Holy Spirit, the adornment of compassion, the shoestrings of kindness, and the sole of humility.technorati tag: shoes
CRAZY busy day! First Buster was barking consistently early this morning, then I let him outside and he runs after a cat. I have 20 mins to get ready and be here on time for student orientation and I am outside chasing after my nut job of a dog! I fly down the highway, praying that I wouldn’t get pulled over and I get here 2 min to 8 am for student orientation registration. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off ever since, up and down, up and down the stairs. It is so weird to see these students because they look so young, and this is graduate school…or I am just getting older. EEEK! Soon the school year will be in full throttle and I will be super busy but it will be interesting and it will keep me on my toes.
In other news, I will be signing my lease today….HURRAY…and moving in about 10 days EEek! I have totally be procrastinating the packing, but I will get it done.
My Hopeful Dream
The Sad Reality
**Allow me to clarify that the "Reality" isn't my dog, he just behaves much like him. Why do I always seem to get the most interesting pets.
technorati tag: dog training
Ok I just downloaded and posted a new lay out but it needs some tweaking as you can tell, but in general I like it. So I will be back to tweak tomorrow, time to split!
technorati tag: blog templates
This past Sunday a group of us went over to a friends house who lives on a lake. We had a blast! I haven't swam that much in a long time. I also took Buster with me and he had a ball, he played with a chocolate lab that was 4 times his size, he swam out in the lake and I took him out on a raft. He wanted to jump out an swim to shore but we were so far out he wouldn't have made it.
I took a try at windsurfing and did surprisingly well. I was able to stand on the board and get the sail up. I even got it moving but I realized I was going further out from shore and from the dock everyone was yelling at me to turn....unfortunatly no one taught me out to turn, so eventually someone had to come to my rescue....lol. Also, out on the water was a GIANT inflated dounut. All 10+ of us tried to get on this donut which was an adventure in and of it self. People were struggling to get on, wading in the water, falling up and being flipped over...it was like water twister...but it was a blast!
The next day I woke up soar and bruised. I had bruises everywhere from being grabbed, pulled, squished and kicked. But I would do it again.
Also on an unrelated subject, I just bought a camera on Ebay so I hope to be recieving it soon and then i will be able to post a lot more pictures. Hurray!
technorati tag: weekend
Yesterday was our first day of obedience class and I am disappointed to say that Buster was labeled the problem child. His first demonstration of defiance was when we were instructed to do this exercise called cradle and massage. In the class there are 5 dogs all small breeds, a Cavalier, Pug, Puggal (pug/beagle), Mini Dachshund and my main man Bustern (Jack Russel/Yorkie). First we did the cradle massage exercise. Buster is totally distracted, he wants to see what is going on, so he has no interest in me cradling or massaging him. I look around the room and all the other owners and their dogs are doing great, the dogs are loving the massage...but not my boy Buster! He is wiggling and trying everything possible to get out of my arms and nipping at my hands. The trainer tries to put bitter apple on my hands, but that lasted all of 1 min because it evaporates and he knows it, so he just starts to nip again. Finally we had to bribe him with a bone to chew on so he would stop chewing on me!
Afterwards we did "Watch Me", which is calling his name and getting him to look at you. Once he looks at you he gets treat. Buster had more interesting things to look at and I was defiantly not one of them. After many agonizing attempts he finally looked at me and got his treat. The thing is that the kid is nosy! At home we do pretty good with the exercises but in class he is all up in everyone's business. Alas, my child was pegged the problem child and I am sure he will be used as an example. I am sooo darn proud! :P
I will keep you posted on his progress.
tecrati tag: dog training
My puppy....Buster is a theif and he is quick. He will snatch anything and then I have to spent 5 mins. chasing after him to get it back. He thinks it is hilarious....I want to throw a shoe at him....problem is usualy HE HAS IT! He is soooo sneaky. This morning I was sitting on the sofa putting make-up on and he was sitting next to me. Next thing I know he is taking off with my mascara....UGH! My good mascara! I yell at him to drop it....does he? No of course not instead we run around the coffee table. It has basically become a race track, we regularlly run around the coffee table.
Well tonight he head off to our first puppy training class, so hopefully with time he will drop it when I tell him too. Puppies!
technorati tag: puppies
I had another “Meseidy Moment”. I went down to the driving range with a friend of mine to learn how to hit some balls. I was actually doing ok for a beginner but I need A LOT of work. We are out at this driving range in the HOT sun….I think my face was melting off, so I kept wiping my face. A one point I ran out of balls to I reach over to my friend’s spot because he has some balls left. Between the two stations are large black metal dividers. I begin to lean over and reach for the balls, thinking that this divider is bolted to the ground….unfortunately it was not. I begin to put my weight on it and notice that it is starting to tilt. The gate come crashing down and makes this huge crash and shortly afterwards I come down with it. I slammed my hand and knee into the concrete….not cool. I look up and my friend says “I would have caught you if I know you were going down”. Yeah….thanks! Now, I have a very attractive knot and bruise on my knee ….very fashionable. Looks like I won’t be wearing a skirt for awhile. J
Ok, so it has been awhile since I have written anything.....Sorry. But there is quite a lot of interesting things for me to update you on quickly. First as you already know I have a dog named Buster. He is a handful but a ton of fun. I recently have been trying to train him to ring a bell that I hung from the door when he needs to go out. He has definitely gotten a hang of this bell, so much so I am about to toss it. Last night he was having a fit, he wanted to go outside but when I let him out he wouldn't do anything and this wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact that I have to stand outside with him or he will cry and bark at the door. UGH. Finally I just had to ignore him until he tired out. Also, I am in the process of packing and moving yet again. I promise myself that I am going to stay and this place more then a year. I put an application in on a 1br/1bath so I am praying that I get it, it will be nice to live alone again, just me and Buster. Final significant update...I have left real estate and am working as an Office Manager at a university and love it. I am go grateful for the position, not only is it a great job but it allows me to go back to school and I thank the Lord for the opportunity. I know if was Him who opened this door for me!
So I am back at a desk from 8 - 5, which will possibly mean more consistent blogging. HURRAY! Well I need to get to work right now but I promise I will be back.
technorati tag: life