My little problem child did not fail us this week. He lived up to his reputation and was the most difficult student in the class. The things that make a mother proud! This week we worked on Sit and Loose Leash Walking. Thankfully enough Buster does the sit part pretty well but the leash walking...not so much. First of all the boy is nosy, he has to know everything and be in everyone's business. It is near impossible for me to get his attention when other dogs are getting treats, even though I am trying to give him a treat myself.
The trainer decided to use Buster as the example when she wanted to demonstrate what we were suppose to do with the dogs to get them to properly walk with a leash. He was COMPLETELY uncooperative and wanted to do his own thing. She eventually told me that she would work with me first and took another dog to use as an example. I swear every time we go to class I feel like I will be called in for a parent teacher conference at any moment. The trainer then assigned us to a aisle to walk the dog in, Buster was not having it, he wanted to take off. Then the trainer brings me this thing called a gentle leader and we struggle but manage to get it

So the homework assignment to to take him out for 2 walks a day with the thing and to get him to sit 25 times a day. FUN! Man....nothing like breaking a spunky little spirit.
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