Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Answers to Why Why Why

By Ozymandiaz

I will attempt to answer these rhetorical questions in order...

For the same reason we speak more loudly to people of a foreign language

For the same reason there are locks on stores that are open for twenty four hours

It only sticks to the glass when it is in between said glass and the lid

It's the only humane thing to do

Because he never would have gotten Jane if he had one

It's easier to dodge a revolver

To protect against head injuries just in case...

Someone very cruel (probably the same person who developed the rest of this inane language)

Who says we evolved?

This is truly one of the great mysteries of the universe hopefully to be solved by the unified field theory, if there ever is one

Yes, when April 19th falls on a Thursday

For the same reason they flip thru the channels on the television in hopes that the insipid shows littering the airwaves will suddenly acquire substance

Because there is no satisfaction until that strings wraps around the agitator

You mean they open from the ends?

This is a place reserved for very special bugs.

The living bugs place them there so they will be always remembered.

Because the other person may well have a firearmSerendipity

For the same reason we want it 60 degrees in the summer

Because father in laws just aren't that funny (and they may whoop your butt)

Yea, right. Next you'll want us to ask for directions or read the instructions...


We're way ahead of quota around here, so you may be OK.

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