I am not one to watch the news very often if at all because is so depressing, but right now you can’t seem to turn on the television or pick up a news paper without reports of the devastation in the Gulf Coast because of Katrina. Last night was one of the first nights this week that I was able to sit at home in time for some news. Watching the reports of all the people stranded, not knowing when relief will come broke my heart. It is almost surreal that something so devastating could happen here, that an entire city could be wiped out. As I sat there watching the news I prayed for those suffering and that those who lost their life came to Christ before they passed. Many of us would sit and wonder “How could God allow this?” or “Why would a good God allow suffering?” It is a natural question to ask and a question that has been asked of God many times before and will be a continuing question. But thousand’s of years ago a man by the name of Job, who loved God and who suffered a great amount of loss plead and said “Show me why You contend with me. Does it seem good to You that You should oppress, that You should despise the work of Your hands?" (Job 10:2,3,8), even though Job felt abandoned and forgotten he kept his faith that God would still be there and He was and in the end He blessed Job more then he could imagine.
If you question why would a good God allow suffering, open your heart, open your mind, take a look at this article “Why Would a Good God Allow Suffering?”, pull out a bible and see how it is not that God has abandonded you or that he does not love you but that He allows pain and suffering to alert us to sin, direct us to respond to Him in faith and hope, to be more like Christ, and to bring us together. Believe it or not God, did not want it to be like this. There wasn't suppose to be suffering or sickness, but because of the fall of Adam and Eve we find ourselves here today. But God did an awsome thing, he sacrficed his Son Christ for us and through him we are saved. HURRAY! He does love you and He has not forgotten you, turn to Him and you will be amazed how He can fill you heart with peace and hope. He has great plans for us all, we just need to have faith, sit still for a moment to listen and accept Christ into our heart.
1 comment:
I was reading Jonah last night, and I was amazed at how resentful Jonah was when the city of Ninevah was spared after he warned them of God's impending wrath.
Go doesn't want to punish us. He wants us to love Him.
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