Monday, October 24, 2005

SCORE! Got a Listing Appoitment!

They say you have to list to survive and folks I got my first listing appointment. I just pray I get the listing! In fact I will get the listing! God truly ROCKS! I had been sitting there prospecting, feeling a little glum because my buyer had backed out and I was getting my share of hang-ups so I decided to switch to For Sale By Owners called FSBOs in the business, that is pronounced "Fizz-bows". Low and behold my 4 FSBO bites and I got an appointment tomorrow at 6! ROCK ON!

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Laura said...

I'm not sure how it works in your area, but here around New Orleans, business networking groups are the way to go. I joined BNI last year and doubled my business (web dev) because I got so many referrals. Anyway, the real estate agent in my group does pretty well with referrals, might work out for you too.

Alex said...

Aloha Meseidy:)

I'm so happy that you've got a listing. God is truly working and moving in your life. Praise Him!!!

In His Love and Service,
Alex Rubio, Your Brother In Christ