Friday, November 04, 2005

Flan - A Failed Attempt

I have failed, failed miserably. I attempted to make a coconut flan and flopped. So sad! I followed the directions yet the center did not cook all the way through. However I think that possibly I didn't let it cool long enough, but who knows. The point is when I flipped it the center was soup, UGH! So tommorrow I will again attempt the flan. I will keep you posted.

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Alex said...

I miss Flan! It's soooo good!!!!

I'm sorry that yours didn't turn out for you. That's why God gives us more than one chance to do things.

God Bless You and have a great weekend:)

In His Love and Service,
Alex, Your Brother In Christ

nile said...

I love flan... all that caramelly goodness! my mom makes a mean flan... it's certainly an art!