Friday, May 26, 2006


My friend Kristin sent me this:

Meseidy - wrote this awhile ago - hope it encourages you though.

I've been having some deep thoughts recently. The kind that keep me up at night. The kind that plague me as I drive from here to there. The kind of thoughts that rip off the blinders and the deceit that I've somehow enabled myself to comfortably live behind. The kind of thoughts that either enable me to run toward God or choose to walk away from Him.

Faith. What is faith? Yes, Hebrews 11 gives us a great definition, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." However, my feeble mind likes to be able to SEE. I want to be able to grab hold of what I hope for and then call it mine. Is it truly faith? No. And yet, my own life requires of me faith at every turn. I must trust others. I must trust and believe without yet seeing or having full knowledge.

Allow me to explain myself. I go for my State Inspection for my car. The mechanic tells me I'm below standards and thus need a brake job. Do I think I need a brake job? No, my car stops - to me that means my brakes work. However, this mechanic (who has God plastered all over the walls by the way) tells me I need a brake job. I, in faith and trust, have to agree with him because he is much more knowledgable about cars than I am. Thus, I get a brake job.

For another example, let's think about going to the doctor's office. We may have a slight cough or a bit of pain; however, we have know idea what is causing it or how to get rid of it. So we go to the doctor and he gives a diagnosis. We have to trust that what he believes is wrong with our body to be true. For the most part, we believe him and therefore take the medicine and ultimately get better. We have just put some faith in the doctor because we believed that he was more knowledgable than we are.

Faith is more than just hoping - it's trusting. Scripture tells us that the promises of God are yes and amen; however, how often have I been caught between the torrents of two waves and questioned His promises? How many times have I been forced to see beyond what my eyes tell me I'm seeing? How many times have I been reluctant to reach out for the hand I could not see and chosen instead for what I could?

Has God given you a promise? Can you back it up with His word? Has He confirmed it to you? Then sister, believe and hold on to it. Let your faith grasp it with all your heart. And know, know that even though it may feel as though your wait for the promise is taking a lifetime, know that our God will keep His promise. You see, just like the doctor, just like the mechanic, our God is more knowledgable than we are. He knows our full potential, and He loves us so much that He's willing to stretch us. Sometimes, I feel like I'm Elastic Girl. I often wonder how much more I can stretch. I always do, and I always bounce back.

When caught in the middle between the giving of the promise and the fulfillment of the promise keep the faith. Trust in the God who sees and knows more than we do, and then take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, as well as the shield of faith and pray.

Pressing on,
Kristin =)

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Whiteboys can dance! I love this it is HILARIOUS! Click on the pic to view!

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Meseidy Adventure: Lost and Rescued at First Landing

Hold on to your seats folks because this one is a doozy! Yesterday I bought myself a new bike and I was sooooo excited! I even got myself a bike rack, helmet and everything. So after a long day and having bought a new toy I decided that I want to play with my new toy. Naturally! Having at least a good 2 hours of daylight left, I loaded my bike on to the bike rack and off I went to the State Park not far from my house. It was a beautiful day and I had a new bike!

I got to the park, parked my car, unloaded my bike and I was off. It was really very nice, cool air and quiet. So I admit it has been awhile since I rode a bike, so after about 2 1/2 to 3 miles I am pretty beat. I decide to stop at a bench along the lake to read. This is where the adventure begins. I realize that it is starting to get late and this is my first time on the trail. I am thinking that the trail can't be more then 4 miles so I have 1 more mile to go. I hop on my bike and I am off. I realize I am still tired and my legs feel like jelly. Finally I reach "the end" but it isn't the end I was expecting. DUDE WHERE'S MY CAR?! I had assumed that the trail would loop and land me back at my car......but guess what it didn't! At this point it is getting dark.....very dark and I have NO CLUE where I am. There isn't a soul in sight and I don't know WHERE MY CAR IS! By this point I have gone the entire length of the dotted line (refer to the map, red trail). I start to ride up a road which I think had to have been another 1/2 mile at least! It is DARK and I am starting to FREAK OUT! WHERE IS MY CAR.....WHERE AM I.....WHAT IS THAT SOUND IN THE WOODS? In the distance I see a light.....A LIGHT! I go towards the light, (usually they say not to do this but I thought in this case it would be a good idea.) It is a contact station.....but I make no "contact" because, of course, there is no one there! Finally at this point I pull out my cell phone, first I call a friend that frequents the park, but it dawns on me that I am going to be TOTALLY HUMILIATED and he would probably never hear the end of it. I hang up and call one of my girlfriends who I know has come to this park on a few occasions...she has NO CLUE where I am! I beg her to come and get me, she says she is going to call one of the guys, I beg her not too because I feel like a total idiot. PLEASE JUST COME AND GET ME.....she is on her way. A few minutes after hanging up I see lights in the distance coming my way. First I think, Great! Someone who can help me...then I start to think No! psycho coming to kidnap me. I move myself to the side of the little building to hide from the approaching vehicle but to no avail. I am blinded by the headlights and cannot tell if this could be friend or foe. However, to my relief it is a ranger coming to my rescue!

Ranger: Mame, are you alright?

Meseidy: No! I can't peddle anymore and I don't know where my car is...can you help me?

The kind ranger loads me and my bike into the bed of his truck and off we go. When we pull out of the park we are at 64TH AND ATLANTIC......HOLY COW! (please refer to the map, greeb trail). I never would have found my car!

I have yet again managed to be an Idiotic Fool! The moral of the story is...don't do this at home and be grateful for your friendly State Park Ranger.

The End

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Daisy Duck and Her Boys

This hot mama has been hanging out in our front lawn with these two boys for about a week now. They follow her where ever she goes, it is really pretty funny. Apparently she has got that special something about her that makes these boys fight for her attention.

Yesterday when I stepped outside they came running to the door to be fed, because I have been throwing them scraps of bread every once in awhile. So apparently they are taking up residency in my front lawn...which is fine....doesn't bother me, but our neighbor's dog Skeeter has a different opinion. He barks at them and everytime he is outside he chases them down. It is pretty funny to watch these ducks quickly waddle away.

So here I introduce you to my new neighbors, Dasiy is in the middle, Donald on the left and Daffy on the right. I think Dasiy needs to stop being so fickled and pick Daffy, he is much nicer then Donald...and better looking.

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Prayer Request

It is an awesome sight to watch someone who is lost begin to turn back. A co-worker of mine has shown interest in my ladies cell group and the book we are reading, after they came and visited me one day at the restaurant. To bless her I bought her the book and told her to read it on her own pressure. Last night when I talked to her she told me how she couldn't put the book down and how it lead her to pull out her bible which she hasn't done in a long time. She told me she had a ton of questions and was really encouraged by the book. I told her to write down all her questions and I would be glad to go over them with her. I also told her if she wanted she was welcome to come to church with me this Sunday. Praise God she said yes.

It is apparent that the Lord is working on her spirit and I just pray that she continues to let Him do so and that she comes to the Lord. It is a blessing to watch and be a part of and I ask the Lord to continue to use me as a tool.....a soldier in bringing her home.

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The Scary Things Women Do to Look Good.....

The things we have to subject ourselves to too look good.....I look like a nauseous raccoon.

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