Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Silver Nazi

I have been officially pegged as the Sivlerware Nazi at the restaurant. We were having a problem with people not properly rolling silverware, so now if you close and you are the silver checker you have to not only count the silverware but also check to make sure it is properly rolled, and I did my job and no one liked me for it. I sent almost everyone back to reroll at least 10 of their silver. I didn't play favorites either, everyone had to reroll. Now everytime I am assigned to roll silver everyone it going to be really upset. But it is ok they still love me. :)

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Friday, December 16, 2005

I Chopped it Off!

I chopped it off......no not my toe....calm down.  I chopped off my hair and it feels much better and it is much easier to manage.  Got my self a sassy short haircut, so far it has gotten good reviews.
Chop, chop!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Two Classic Meseidy Moments.....In One Night!

First moment: Today was my office Christmas Party. There was a great spead of food and lots of people coming in and out. So about an hour into the party we have a toast. I am no longer a drinker, in fact I cannot remember when was the last time I had a drink. But we are having a toast and they pass out small glasses of champage, and I drink it. It was a very small glass, it was not a flute. Shortly after I am sitting in the dessert room talking with the attorney that we use and the on site insurance agent and I start to feel like my face is on fire. I intially ignore it, but I can feel it getting hotter and hotter and it starts to itch a little. I ask our attorney if my face is read, he acknowledges that I am a little flushed. I get up and go to the restroom, when I turn on the light I see myself and it isn't pretty. My face is a blotchy bright red and HOT.....I am talking tomato red, I was definatly having some sort of a reaction to the champage. I splash water on my face but it does nothing. Finally, I walk out and my broker and fellow agents are freaking. I told them to calm down that I was sure it would clear up on its own, I just needed to dringk some water. It did eventually clear up but is was very embarassing to be walking around trying to network and mingle looking like a hot red pepper.

Second moment: I had to leave the party early to go into the restaurant for work. I fight traffic, I speed, I am trying to get there as soon as possible and when I pull into the parking lot and grab my bag a realize it is very light. I forgot my work shoes! UGH! So I had to go in tell manager that I forgot my shoes and then go home pick them up and come back. Making me an hour late for work.

Two classic Meseidy moments!

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Single Girl's Essential Grocery List

There are a few things that I find essential on my grociery list and they are things that I always buy. I have a process when I do grocieries, I only go down the aisles I need to go down, otherwise I will end up with a lot of junk in my cart and blowing my budget. So here is my bare essentials groceriy list that usually will tie me over for at least 2 weeks.

  1. Multi Grain Bread (grocery store generic brand)
  2. 1% Milk
  3. 2 liter of Vanilla Diet Coke
  4. Deli Sliced Honey Ham
  5. 2% American Cheese
  6. 4 Soup at Hand (Creamy Tomato...yum)
  7. Ramen Noodles (in case of emergency)
  8. Cereal (whatever is on sale, today 2 HUGH boxes, Cinommon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms)
  9. Sour Cream and Cheddar Baked Ruffles
  10. 4 boxes of Lean Pockets
  11. Coffee
  12. French Vanilla Coffeemate

It would be a safe assumption that I live off of mostly sandwiches and cereal and that I have the Ramen noodles around for when the food supply is running low.

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A Must Have to Take a Shower

What is the one thing you must have in order to take a shower? I will give you sometime to think about it.........come on it is easy........WATER! You must have water to take a shower. However the city has decided to cut it off because of the construction they are doing next door, so for those of us who work at home and would like to shower, we are out of luck! UGH!

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Mother's Early Morning Calls and the Things They Do

Ok so lately I am an extremely busy person. I am trying to get my real estate up and running during a slow season because of the holidays and I am waitressing evenings, not to mention all the activities I am involved in at church. So I haven't been as in touch with my mother as I should.

Well this morning at....I don't know.....7:00 a.m., when I am sound asleep, my mother calls because she hasn't heard from me in awhile. First thing out of my mouth, "I was asleep". It is all kind of amusing, I have been so busy, the only way I was able to let her know that I was alive was by sending her an instant message the other night. Because not only do I have a very busy schedule but it is an hour later in P.R. this time of year. Well my mother, being a mother, starts to let her imagination run wild and begins to wonder if in fact I sent this instant message and that it wasn't someone trying to impersonate me since she hadn't heard my voice in so long. I tell my mother in a very sleepy voice I am sorry but I have been working a lot and I love her and I am ok. LOL Then she lets slip that she was so worried she contact a friend of mine that I haven't spoken to in awhile, something initially I didn't need to know but was still nice to hear about them. My mom sold you out bud, I now know that you still read my blog, I hope your well.

That is a mother for you, they call people looking for you or call you at the crack of dawn to make sure your alive.

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Monday, December 12, 2005

How do you know your bagel is ready?

When the smoke alarm goes off and smoke is coming out of your oven, chances are that your bagel is ready.......maybe I should invest in a toaster.

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Do You Know Him?

I know I have been MIA but I had to post this real quick. I promise I will be back. Be sure to click on the image.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

80's Flashback

Early this morning I am driving down the highway flipping the radio station looking for something to listen to and suddenly I hear the beginning of a very familiar song. It is an 80's classic "Love is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar, I crank it up and sing along to as many of the works and I can remember. I am hopping up and down in my seat as I am driving, rocking out and I am sure that if anyone saw me they thought one of two thing, either I was crazy or I was having a seizure. Then I start to flash back to when I was a kid and I remember jumping up and down on the bed with my mother singing to "Love is a Battlefield". Oh my goodness and do you remember the clothes that they wore in this video!? They were like layers upong layers of torn t-shirts made into dresses with 10 pounds of jewlery and torn fishnet stockings! Looking back now it was hilarious, what were we thinking that was cool back then. It was a good story though, lost and misguided teen runs off, makes poor choices but then runs back home.

The 80's got to love them!

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Monday, November 28, 2005

Something that Bugs Me!

It really bugs me when I am sound asleep having a good dream and the alarm goes off and wakes me and what really bugs me is when I and sound alseep having a good dream and I wake myself up because I have to go to the bathroom. UGH! I just want to lay in bed another 15 mins!

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Sunday, November 27, 2005

PETA Tells Kids to Run From Daddy

Ok I have come to the conclusion that PETA has truly finally lost it. I say slap me a seasoned 12oz steak on the grill and serve it to me medium rare, got to maintain those natural juices.

PETA Tells Kids to Run From Daddy

PETA, has begun a campaign to scare children into becoming vegetarians. The group, which formed to stop animal testing of consumer products but made its name by attacking women in fur coats with fake blood, is producing comic books that portray fathers as homicidal maniacs.The handout, titled "Your Daddy Kills Animals," features a grinning lunatic gutting a fish, and warns kids to keep their puppies and kittens away from Dad because he's "hooked on killing."

"PETA is trying as hard as it can to portray the ordinary angler as a demonic, sadistic, cruel killer. This is what PETA does — it paints caricatures of ordinary people to try to convince the rest of us that we shouldn't want to emulate them," said David Martosko, of the industry lobbying group Center for Consumer Freedom. But PETA insists that its comic is not outlandish.

The scientific facts are that fish feel pain in the same way as dogs and cats. It's no more acceptable to hook a fish through the mouth and drag them into your boat and slice them in half than it would be to do the exact same thing to a dog or a cat," said Bruce Friedrich, vegan campaign coordinator for PETA.

Publicity stunts are nothing new for PETA, which has run ads featuring naked women in cages and people dressed in animal suits warning about the dangers of eating meat. But some critics feel the kid-targeted campaign goes too far.

"This is traumatizing kids by the thousands. There's going to be long-term psychological damage from these kids being exposed to the material that PETA puts in front of them on a regular basis," Martosko said.

But, Friedrich countered, "They can certainly find stuff that is more in your face on the Internet, more in your face on Saturday morning cartoons. We don't need to shelter our kids quite that much."

The pamphlet follows a previous one that painted Mom as a "chicken killer." PETA claims its only goal is to reduce meat consumption by changing children's eating habits. Critics insist alienating children from their parents isn't in anyone's best interests — human or animal.

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Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

Well Thanksgiving weekend is over an I am officially turkeyed out! Spent the holiday with my roomates family. I ate 2 plates of food and had dessert! UGH, I thought I was going to explode and the tryptophan REALLY kicked in. My roomate and I layed on the floor to watch a movie and I passed out, then when she woke me up we went to go visit her grandmother and I was practically lathargic. If I uttered more the 5 words that was alot. All in all it was a good thanksgiveing and I got my filling of turkey, my only disappointment was that there was no cranberry sauce, but I guess you can't have it all.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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Friday, November 18, 2005

Knuckle Cruncher or Dead Fish?

The longer I am in this business I am experiancing the may different varieties of handshakes, today I experiances a Knuckle Cruncher. Here is a list of the most common handshakes:

What's this Handshake Business About, Anyway?

5 Basic Types of Handshakes

There are 5 basic types of handshakes that most of us have experienced. Perhaps you can think of others.

Knuckle Cruncher

This type of person is earnest but nervous. While meaning to convey warmth through a tight grip of your hand, the person only causes you pain. The impression created is definitely that of a person who lacks sensitivity.

Dead Fish Handshaker

This type of person, who places a limp, lifeless hand in yours, is sending a negative message. While the knuckle cruncher hurts you, at least there is a desire to express a real feeling. You are left with the impression of this person having a lackluster personality.


This handshake is overly eager but also insecure. This person doesn’t know when to quit, almost as if stalling because of not knowing what to do next. They keep on vigorously pumping your hand up and down—and with it your entire arm. You may not feel pain but you certainly feel foolish.

Sanitary Handshaker

This person will barely put three or four fingers in your hand—and then withdraw them quickly, almost as if afraid of catching a dread disease. They appear timid and sheepish.
Condolence HandshakerThis is the person who comes across as too familiar, clasping your right arm or hand, and perhaps attempting to hug you. This behavior may be appreciated at a funeral, but it comes across as condescending and inappropriate.

Proper Handshaking

The protocol for handshaking is simple to learn. Here is what you should do: Walk up to the person you want to meet. Look into their eyes, smile, and extend you hand. Offer a warm, firm, palm-to-palm handshake.

When you proffer your hand to a stranger or a distant acquaintance, simultaneously say, “My name is......( use both first and last names ). This way you eliminate the awkward moment of the forgotten name. The person being greeted is often relieved at being reminded, and will usually respond with their full name, which will in turn relieve you.

Both men and women should rise to shake hands. Rising is a compliment; it shows energy and eagerness to connect.

Initiating a proper handshake will make an incredibly positive impression. You will be perceived as a person who is knowledgeable, possesses excellent social skills, and has leadership capabilities.

An excellent handshake shows your charm and self-confidence. It becomes an integral part of your style.

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Honestly Do I Think I am Superwoman?

I look at my schedule and think of all the things I got my hands in and I begin to worder if I think I am Superwoman. I am working hard, on the phone running around trying to get my real estate going, I have now found a part time as a server at a restaraunt which I still need to do my training. I am involved with both the childeren's ministry and career singles ministry and soon I will be doing a mentoring program with under priviledged childeren. All this, including trying to just maintain my regular live and keep my head about water.

I find myself saying yes more then no, and to be honest it doens't bother me at all, I actually enjoy it. What amazes me is that I find myself always thinking of another thing I can get involved in or do and then I have to come back down to earth and realize.....um hello your not Superwoman, get a grip! It is really quite amazing because I think I use to be one of the most selfish self absorbed people, pretty awesome how things can change.

So this week besides several appointments that I had, and several that I have tomorrow. My office is having a grand opening party tommorrow and I need to go to the store to get a few things that I need for a party that I am getting together this Saturday. So Saturday morning I have a training class for the mentoring program then I have to go and cook for the Thanksgiving Pot Luck and host/attend the party, pick up and go home, to then wake up early the next morning to work at the nursery and then go to church. I love it, it is so much fun!

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

End of the Spear

I saw an incredible movie last night at a prescreening, that I recommend everyone go out and see. It is a movie about the true story of the missionaries who were killed by the Waodani indian tribe in Ecuador. The movie is coming out in theaters January 20, it is called End of the Spear.

Check out the website for the whole story and the trailer.

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How Awesome is He!

How awesome is God! I just got another listing appointment! Out of the blue my schedule blows up! I have 2 listing appointments and one showing this evening! Can you tell I am a little excited. It just so great! I had an awful time last night trying to fall asleep. Got a serious case of insomnia, thinking about a million things and just praying and asking God to give me some peace. Also, the business this month had been going slow and of course I was getting nervous. It is really hard when you are just starting out, but as always he delivered and gave me some good solid proscepcts. God does hear and answer your prayers and even if none of these follow through I am sure that they will eventually, so it is just another prospect in the funnel. I trust that everything will be fine, because I put it all in His hands. :)

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Listing Appointment Update

Ok just a quick update, that listing appointment I was suppose to have yesterday got cancelled first thing in the morning, UGH! However, I got it rescheduled for this Friday. Only problem is that it is my office's grand opening so it may be a little hectic and I wanted to take my broker with me since this is a high priced property, so I am praying that she will be able to go, if not I maybe flying solo. I will keep you posted.

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Monday, November 14, 2005

Listing Appointment! - Say a little prayer

Hurray! I have gotten another listing appointment. Now I did give you and update on the last one that I had because well #1 I didn't get it and #2 it was crazy! The couple was not on the same page, alot of animosity in the air not to mention the all the comotion going on in the house. Needless to say I did not have a captivated audiance. So say a little prayer that that this listing presentation goes a little better and that I actually get the listing, then once I get the listing pray that it sells! :) Anyway my listing presentation is tomorrow late morning, I will let you know how it goes.

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Hair Do Mishap

Ok so you try and to something new right? I have naturally straight hair with just a little bit of a wave, and over the weekend I got experimental and decided to curl it with a curling iron and I was very please with the results. However I was not pleased with the amount of time that it took. Even though I don't have a ton of hair the whole process of curling individual strands witha curling iron was very time consuming not to mentioned that I managed to burn myself with the curling iron. I have a lovely red blotch on the edge of my hairline. So today after church I ran over to the store to get some dishwashing detergent and some mousse because I had just ran out. As I am standing in the hair product aisle I see this set of foam curls so I think that maybe this will be an easier way to curl my hair, hoping that some how I can manage the same results without have to use the curling iron and injuring myself yet again.

So I follow the directions on the case of curlers. It says to set the curlers in when your hair is damp and then wait for it to dry.......after a few hours this is what I got....

Not exactly what I was going for! Needless to say I won't be using the curlers again, I will just have to be more careful with the curling iron.

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Flan and Party Success

Success! I used a different receipe and the flan came out perfect and it was a hit. The party on Saturday was a hit all the way around. I cooked and slaved all day and it was well worth it. I think about 20 people showed up and my food was gone in no time! The menu was pernil which (well seasoned pork shoulder), arroz con gandules (spanish rice with pigeon peas), tostones (fried plaintains) and coconut flan and everyone ate. Next time I know to make just a little more because people wanted seconds but there wasn't enough for 2 trips.

It was a beautiful evening outside, so we got to use the deck and there were a few latins in the group so we put on some music and got some dancing going. It was a blast and I am still getting emails from people saying they enjoyed it.

When it was all over and done with I was exhausted and my roomate was awesome enough to pick up, because I could barely move. Then I had to get up early the next morning and help at my church in the nursery for the morning service. I was in church by 8:30 a.m. on Sunday. Soooooo tired, but the babies were great and sooooo much fun!

Good times!

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Friday, November 04, 2005

Flan - A Failed Attempt

I have failed, failed miserably. I attempted to make a coconut flan and flopped. So sad! I followed the directions yet the center did not cook all the way through. However I think that possibly I didn't let it cool long enough, but who knows. The point is when I flipped it the center was soup, UGH! So tommorrow I will again attempt the flan. I will keep you posted.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Murphy's Law

Why is it when you particularly want to look good or have something important coming and you need to look good your face decided that this is the most opportune time to rebel and grow a pimple and a Mt. Everest sized pimple nonetheless.  This if very irritating especially when I am not one to have acne issues. Murphy's Law.

Monday, October 24, 2005

SCORE! Got a Listing Appoitment!

They say you have to list to survive and folks I got my first listing appointment. I just pray I get the listing! In fact I will get the listing! God truly ROCKS! I had been sitting there prospecting, feeling a little glum because my buyer had backed out and I was getting my share of hang-ups so I decided to switch to For Sale By Owners called FSBOs in the business, that is pronounced "Fizz-bows". Low and behold my 4 FSBO bites and I got an appointment tomorrow at 6! ROCK ON!

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It's A Small World After All!

Talk about a small world! The coolest thing just happened. I got an email from a girl the other day with the same last name as my grandmother on my dad's side. She had emailed me about a rental that I have listed. So I emailed her back and said the rental was still available and I told her that her last name was a family name and asked if she was from PR. Well she called me today, and it turns out she is, and she is a Regent student. Even cooler a few weeks ago or a month ago i was at a "after church welcome gathering" and I met this family. The husband was from Argentina and the wife from the Dominican Republic and they had 3 boys. The husband mentioned to me that they had a friend who was from PR and went to Regent. So I gave him my card to give her my number and give me a call, but he never did. Well today the girl that I just talked to was the same girl he mentioned to me. We are going to try and get together sometime, we were on the phone for about 30 mins! LOL Talking PR Spanish.....LOL.

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Consequences of Lazy Weekends and Buyer Backout

So like I told you I did absolutely nothing over the weekend except for sleep in, unpack a few things and lay on the couch. It was a fabulous weekend, however I needed to clean out my car and make it presentable because it was seriously trashed and dirty from the move, considering I used my tiny Honda Civic as a moving van but that is besides the point. So because of my extreme case of laziness I never got around to cleaning out my car over the weekend, and I made the mistake of taking a huge nap on Sunday and therefore staying up WAY too late Sunday night.

Monday morning comes around and I believe I set the alarm to go off at 7, but I am sure I snoozed it about.....oh let say.....1,204,432 times, ok that is an exaggeration but you get my point. Finally I drag my tail out of bed because I remember that I have an appointment to go pick up a buyer and take him around to see some houses and I still haven't cleaned out the inside of my car, not to mention the olive oil that some how managed to trickle all down the handle of my passenger door. I lay there and debate if I REALLY need to get up, because I just have this gut feeling that he is going to cancel but either way I shouldn't risk it and it is not good to bring a client into your car when it is in that condition. Yeah defiantly the collection of, dust, sand, cat hair, pennies, pens, tiny pieces of paper and I think I found a petrified French fry between the seat and the center console.....yeah not a good thing. So I get up and put on my most oversized and comfortable pair of sweats, pull my matted hair back in a ponytail, gargle some mouthwash (I will brush when I am getting ready) and grab the vacuum. As I leave my room I am startled by the grey colored mutant with matted hair and raccoon eyes that I see in my full length mirror with my peripheral vision (I really need to start washing my face before I go to bed) ......then suddenly there is a momentary sigh of relief when I realize it is just me.....then I begin to worry for my future husband and pray he doesn't die of shock the first time he wakes up to me in the morning.

Half asleep and realizing that I shouldn't have taken a shortcut and should have just gone ahead and brushed my teeth....ick! I garb a plastic bag, paper towel and some wet wipes with my vacuum in toe to go clean out my car......it is 8 in the morning. (Since I started my own schedule 8 has become and ungodly hour for me to be up doing hard labor) I get the car all cleaned up and presentable and the olive oil has managed to leave a nice sheen to my passenger door. I head inside to get ready, making myself into Super Fabulous Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire(I have a sudden vision of me with a cape in a Jones New York suit with a Kenneth Cole briefcase holding a SOLD sign).

I jump into my now nice clean and presentable Honda Civic and off I go. In my head I thinking of all the things I need to get done and calls I need to make before picking up my buyer to go look at some properties. I also make note that I am running low on gas and should gas up before picking up my buyer....then the phone rings. Guess who? BINGO......and tell them what they won! It is my buyer:

Phone Call Transcript:

Meseidy: Good Morning this is Meseidy

Buyer: Meseidy good morning this is *****

Meseidy: Hey ***** what can I do for you?

Buyer: You are going to hate me.

Meseidy: You know I had a feeling u were going to cancel.

Buyer: Yeah, but you are going to hate me for another reason.......I decided to rent, I found a place over the weekend.

Needless to say, I lost a buyer, he was on the fence anyway so I wasn't shocked, but still not a way to start a Monday morning. I should have gone with my gut, or maybe God was just telling me to relax, I could clean my car another day. It is all good, my car is clean and I am still Super Fabulous Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire (Just need work on getting the Jones New York suit and Kenneth Cole briefcase) .

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

I Have Done Nothing

This has been a fabulous weekend, why because I have done nothing! I think we all need a weekend where we do nothing once in awhile. I was a little productive, I did finish unpacking but I haven't finished putting everything away. However staying in all weekend is a money saver so I can't complain.
Tomorrow I have to get up early though because since I didn't do anything today I didn't get the inside of my car cleaned and I have a buyer that I am driving around tomorrow morning to show him a few houses. Therefore, I will be up tomorrow nice and early cleaning out the inside of my car because I was too lazy to get my but off the couch this afternoon. All is well.....

Friday, October 21, 2005

Prospecting for Business

I take one to two hours of my day and make cold calls prospecting for business. Here was one of this mornings calls.....I can't help but laugh sometimes. Mind you I am told to stay on script until my 5th question.

Hi this is Meseidy with ******....and I was wondering....When do you plan on moving?

Prospect: When I die.

When you die....Terrific! How long have you lived at this address?

Prospect: 5 years

Great! Where did you folks move from?

Prospect: Down the street.

Good for you! How did you happen to pick this area?

Prospect: My daughter lives here.

Excellent! If you were to move...where would you go next?

Prospect: To the cemetary!

Well thank you very much! Have a great day!

Sigh, can't like everything about you job. Prospecting is the one thing I am not crazy about....LOL

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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Divorce Party?

Does anyone find this a little disturbing, distasteful or just plain wrong? Now people are throwing divorce parities? I find this sad.

Many Throw Parties to Toast Divorces
Celebrating a New Beginning Without the Old Spouse

16, 2005 — After three decades of marriage and years of fighting over a nasty divorce settlement, it's time for Madalyn Pollit to party. As she toasts to "the beginning of the best years of my life," Eollitt is part of a trend of women and men embracing their breakups with divorce parties.

"A new season, a new me, a new beginning: That's why I wanted the party," Pollit said. "I wanted to celebrate my new life." Part celebration, part exorcism, the parties typically involve a signature cocktail — marriage on the rocks. And, it wouldn't be a party without some games. Remember Diane Keaton tossing her wedding ring into a glass of champagne in "The First Wives Club"? Well, there's throw the wedding ring in the toilet" and "pin the blame on the ex." And there usually are voodoo dolls. Less Shame? With nearly half of all marriages ending before 'til death do us part, divorce has gone from a private shame to a peculiar rite of passage. Even in the Muslim world,
where divorce is still a disgrace, divorce parties offer a way for women to redeem themselves.
In Morocco, single men are invited to the party and they bring the woman perfume, money, even camels. The party lasts for three days or as long as it takes for the woman to find a new ompanion.

America may not have the camels, but we do have businesses that are cashing in on the breakup
party circuit. Plumparty.com sells all the fixings for a great bash. Theytookeverything.com offers a divorce gift registry. And, thousands of copies of "How to Throw a Divorce or Breakup Party" have been sold.

The Right Time to Party?

But this trend doesn't put everyone in the party mood. Some divorcees believe the end of a sacred union weighs too heavy on the heart. "I don't find anything funny about divorce at all," said Jim Clarke, who is divorced. "I find the whole experience rather tragic." But marriage
therapist Helen Rudinsky says there can be a right time to celebrate. "You're not grieving, you're not pining over the relationship," said Rudinsky, who practices in Washington, D.C. "You wish them well. It didn't work out. You're going forward." "It's a different kind of party," Madalynn
Politt said. "It's kind of like a New Year's Eve celebration, but it's a new life's eve celebration."

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Finally I Am Connected!

I am finally connected at home, yes folks I have internet at home! Which hopefully means I will be able to blog more regularly since I have been since I stopped working at the law office. HURRAY! Now I just need to get back into the swing of things and continue bloging all the interesting and off the wall things that I use to blog. LOL

What has been going on? Well where should I begin? Some of you may know that I finally was able to naw off that chain that had be tied to a desk and in front of a typewriter and I am finally doing what I really wanted to do, I am selling real estate full time and I am loving it. Also I have moved and I have a great roommate and live 2 blocks from the beach! You can't beat that! Although it is a bit of a party neighborhood so on the weekends that neighbors get a little loud and roudy.....but it's all good, they aren't too bad. Also, I have finally found a great church that I love and am getting really involved with, it rocks! Praise God for everything he has done in just the last few months, it has truly been a season of great and postive change!

Well I will continue to keep you posted and I promise to be back again!

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Monday, October 17, 2005


I spent practically.....no not practically....the entire weekend moving. I am soooooo tired! But I am finally moved out of my studio and into the duplex at the beach. HURRAY! My back, arms and calves are killing me but I will survive.

I have been suffering from a constant allegry attack all weekend. I am going to guess it is the combo of dust and cat hair from the studio. My face is all red and blochy and I cannot get my eyes to stop itching.

I am not sure what it is about me but initially when I am moving the idea of moving doesn't bother me so much. I usually think..."no sweat, shouldn't be to difficult"...then you start and your realize all the junk you have and have no clue what to do with it or where to pack it. For example I was amazed by the amount of Glade plugins I have and not the small cheap flat ones but the big ones that heat up scented oil. Once I finished emptying out the draw and collecting the ones i had around the apartment I had to have had about 10 at least. Does this not seem odd? I guess I have been collecting them and storing them and forgeting about them, then to go out and buy more. The other thing I found alot of were tealight candles, they were all over the place! Ultimatly you end up with a box or two of where you dump all the "junk". Now to figure out where to put this junk......sigh.

I do love my new place though and my roommate is great. It is a shame that I moved to the beach at the beginning of the fall but I will be able to enjoy it when the summer comes around again. I plan to take advantage and go for a few walks and runs before it gets really cold.

Ok well I am out of here so I can get some work done, and put some makeup on this itch blochy face....lol.

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Ewwwwy Squishy!

So I did some pumpkin carving last night. Yup, that is right I traveled back in time to when I was 8 and I dove into my creative side and carved myself up a jack-o-lantern. I haven't taken a picture of him light up yet but here is what a pumpkin looks like from the in side before you gut them and ripe out the innerds...lol.....BUA, HA HA HA!

Ewwww Right! Well put your hand in it and squish....the sensation is defiantly interesting. Wet squishiness in you hands and pulling the strings and seeds squeezing and popping right out....now that I think of it I am sure you place the seed just right, apply just the right kind of pressure and have the perfect amount of slippery squishiness the seed could potentially become a small projectile missile..lol.

It was kind of funny because I was very structured with the creative process of my pumpkin carving, I could just dive in and draw directly on the pumpkin I had to draw several faces on paper first before I could decided what I wanted to do as opposed to one of my fellow pumpkin carvers who said to me that I needed to be "hardcore" and "just dive in".....lol.

It was all very fun and I got to make killer "Psycho" sound effects as I stabbed and carved my pumpkin. :)

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Monday, October 10, 2005


Oh my loyal readers......which if I did have any I no longer do because I have been MIA for awhile....LOL. Well I have a blessing to report, the Lord has provided once again and I have sold another house HURRAY! Let's just pray that it closes!

Also I am in the process of moving, I am saying bye bye to the posh studio and my demon kitty and hello to a duplex 2 blocks from the beach. HURRAY!!!! YEAH BABY!

Soon however once I move into my new place I will have internet at home and will beable to post more often. It has been difficult lately because my schedule is no longer as predictable as it was before. :) Which in my opinion is a good thing!

Well I hope all it well I promise I will be back.

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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Law & Order Crossover - Is Chris Noth Back?

Ok so I saw Law & Order: SVU and was freaking out about the ending because I was like, WHAT! They just get off! But of course I was very relieved to find out that both the mother and daughter got locked up last night on Law & Order. Man that lady was CRAZY!

I still am not digging Olivia's hair although it was better last night, maybe i just need to get use to it. Also, I have been seeing previews for Law & Order: Criminal Intent with Chris Noth (ROCK ON!) and Annabella Sciorra, is it possible that they have come to there senses and are getting rid of Vincent D'Onofrio (Detective Goren) ! Does anyone know? That would rock and Law & Order: CI may have a chance with Chis Noth, I LOVE Chris Noth.

Anyways I am doing very well, loving doing the real estate full time. HURRAY! Had a closing early this morning and I need to get on the phones and drum up some more business.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I Know - MIA

I know I have been MIA lately, I have been super busy and there is alot to tell! I will give you a quick synopsis, because i have to split, and then I will come back with more detail.

I am done with the legal assistant job (there is more to that)! HURRAY Praise the Lord! The real estate is really picking up I love it! I think I am going to LOVE my new job, HURRAY! I signed up a buyer today, signing up another tomorrow, have a walk thought tomorrow, closing on thursday and who knows what else. Busy, busy!

Well I am starving so that is just something quick so you know I am alive, got to split.


Friday, September 23, 2005


Has anyone else seen this banner? I see it all the time when I check my hotmail account. It is like ewwww (but then I put it on my blog….makes a lot of sense…what does that say about me…..anyway…) I don’t want to look at nasty toes! Oh and the commercial for this medication, the one with all the gross looking creatures digging under the toe nail…..YUCK! (click on the banner and you will see what I mean) It makes me cringe! I would think that they could come up with a less Ewwww campaign. Every time I check my email and see this banner I refresh it to make it go away. Anyway, I though I would share my repulsion with everyone, you know spread the joy…..lol

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Fellow Hampton Roads' Blogger!

I am adding a fellow Hampton Roads' blogger to my Nails I Paint in the sidebar, [basicblog] Life with Christ, check them out! If you are also from the Hampton Roads/Tidewater area let me know and I will start posting links on my site.

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You Like Me....You Really Like Me!

I have been blogged by Blog4God.com!

You Like Me....You Really Like Me! I want to thank the internet for being an avenue in which to express myself, I would like to thank my fellow bloggers and internet surfers because without you I would just be talking to myself, I would like to thank Mean Dean for considering such a small new up and coming blogger worthy of being blogged, I would also like to thank my family because if it wasn’t for the sense of humor, sarcasm and slight dysFUNction that I was raised with I would be a boring fuddy-duddy today. Thanks mom, dad and sis for keeping it interesting and last but not least I like to thank GOD because without him I wouldn’t even be here…..besides the dude has to have a sense of humor…..I am here aren’t I? LOL J

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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Things I Need...Ok Some of Them I Just Want...

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Single Christian Girl?

I came across this article today on CrossWalk.com and it is totally something that I am sure many of us single Christian ladies can relate with and gives us a little insight on our fellow single Christian men. Personnally I say just be smart, stop stressing and relax.

P.S. for the record I don’t espouse Joshua Harris’ viewpoint.

Why Christian Men Aren't Dating

A.J. KieslingAuthor & Contributing Writer

The older I get as a “single again” Christian woman, the more I notice a peculiar trend that I can’t quite account for: Christian men, by and large, don’t pursue women and ask them out on dates. Now, the sheer fact that there are Christian married couples out there seems to make hash of my observation – obviously, at some point these husbands had to pursue the women who eventually became their wives. But start asking around among small groups of Christian single women and you’ll see what I mean. Their frustration with the “dating scene” – or lack thereof – in Christian circles is so common you begin to hear a refrain.

“What’s up with Christian guys?” my friend Whitney lamented. “I went to the 'Keys with three girlfriends, and guys hit on us all the time [of course they declined]. Yet here at home, in our Christian singles groups, we can’t even get a guy to acknowledge us, let alone ask for a date.” Janet told me that a guy in her Bible study has been paying a lot of attention to her lately, but every time he calls he asks if she wants to “grab a bite to eat” with him – and his roommate. Becky has a different complaint. She met a wonderful Christian man on the tennis court and got to know him gradually, over several months, until their casual friendship deepened into what she thought was something more. When he invited her over for dinner, she sparkled inside, sure he was taking their relationship to the next level. After the second such dinner, the two of them watched a movie together on the sofa – enjoying an evening of laughter and innocent companionship. Then the unexpected happened. The guy “dropped off the face of the earth,” Becky said. Two weeks passed with no word from him, no friendly phone call – nada. Finally, both puzzled and frustrated, she called him and asked how things were. He stammered that they needed to just be friends and all but slammed a door closed in her face.Is It Commitment Phobia?

You might be tempted to chalk it up to the common male malady of “commitment phobia,” but the sheer volume of such stories out there makes me wonder. I know that many Christian singles were hugely impacted by Joshua Harris’ best-selling book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," in which he recommends interacting with the opposite sex in groups until you find “the one” and are ready for courtship – intentional dating with an eye toward marriage. But it seems unlikely that this mindset accounts for the overwhelming lack of dating among Christians, because so many Christian singles don’t espouse Harris’ viewpoint. Again, casual conversations (in this case, with men) shed light on the subject. Wanting to get to the core of the issue, I asked a few guys in my own singles Bible study what was up. “I can tell you what it is,” said one male friend emphatically. “They’re scared. Period. Christian guys are scared to get involved with girls because they hear in church about the dangers of getting too close to someone [physically]. Once they’re attracted, it’s a slippery slope.” “If a girl is mature, and I’m interested in her, then maybe I’ll ask her out [on a casual date], but otherwise it can be a bad idea,” said one handsome guy friend who just turned 40 and has never been married. Not sure what his vague response meant, I pressed for an explanation: He’d been burnt more than once, it seems, by women who mistook a “casual date” to mean he was considering them as wife candidates. Back-paddling his way out of those sticky situations was not worth the trouble anymore. “Anytime I sit in church with a new girl, everyone swoops down on me later and wants to know if it’s serious and whether she’s the one,” lamented yet another male friend, who rolled his eyes as he told his story. Eventually, the “big news” traveled around the whole church.

Then there was Bryan, a 43-year-old man who’s been married only three years but remembers well the trepidation he and his single Christian brethren faced in the church: “They’re scared,” he said, echoing my first friend’s response. “So many guys are petrified of the idea of commitment, and of course there’s the whole issue of staying morally pure. For a lot of guys, it’s easier to just avoid the whole thing.” But he did finally get married, I remind him. How did he get to know his wife? Did they date? “We didn’t date in the traditional sense of the word,” Bryan said. “We were around each other in groups all the time, and one day I just sort of noticed her in a new way. We were friends for a long time before I knew I wanted her to be my wife.” I can hear Joshua Harris cheering somewhere. Our frustrations aside, we Christian women have to acknowledge that we’re part of the problem. To those who smother a guy too quickly – or put pressure on him to act, or jump to conclusions when he does – I gently encourage a healthy dose of moderation. For guys who are overly gun-shy, I encourage you to take a chance on a casual date (if you aren’t opposed to that philosophically) and keep it within safe boundaries. The old standbys of going out for dinner or coffee are good for obvious reasons.

In the end, the not-always-so-welcome bit of wisdom Elisabeth Eliot dispensed in her classic book "Passion & Purity" seems to hold true, despite our best efforts to the contrary: When the time is right, men are intended to pursue. Until then, a woman’s role is to stay busy with life … and wait.

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Verse of the Week

Verse of the Week

This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.--1 John 4:10, NLT

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Olivia What is With the Hair?

I saw the season premiere of my favorite show last night Law & Order: SVU. I love this show….LOVE IT! However there is one thing this season I am not digging and that is Olivia’s (Mariska Hargitay) hair, I know it may seem silly but it just doesn’t seem to fit Olivia’s character, it is too long and the color is ick. I have looked for a pic to show you but can’t seem to find one. But I am defiantly not digging the hair, it should at least be shorter.

Anyhoo, the season premier was very good and I am sure there will be for to see about Elliot seeming to have some anger issues. Tonight the original Law & Order premiers, so yet again don’t expect me to available between 10 and 11. I didn’t get to see much of last season because I was working a lot, but I am going to make an effort not to miss to much of this season, especially since they got that blonde of the show. I wasn’t too fond of her and am happy that she was replaced. I haven’t gotten to see much of the new girl but what I have seen I like so far.

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Knitting Issues Continue!

As I have mentioned before I have picked up knitting. I finished my first project which was a scarf…..HURRAY! Now I am on to my second project which will be a wrap for me. So here is my problem. I’m staring this new project, the wrap, and it tells you to cast off on 90 stitches, which is fine and then knit 3 rows, increasing 21 stitches on the third row to total 111 stitches, which I have been able to do. Then on the next row you K1, P2, *P3, P2togback (through the back loop), yo, P1, yo, Sl1, P1, P2tog, P5* till last 3 stitches P2, K1. (Something like that, I don’t have the pattern here with me but I am pretty sure it is close to this) So I have gotten up to there ok and have complete everything in the repeat *s and only been left with 3 stitches successfully. However, when I move on to the next row, which is very similar except it is knitting instead of purling, when I get down to the last 3 stitches I am still in the middle of trying to complete the repeat of the pattern, in other words I am running short on loops. Any ideas why? I have attempted this several times and it is driving me nuts. Am I not doing the yarn over right, do I not understand correctly what P2tog and K2tog means (purl together and knit together, knit or purl 2 stitches together right?) So any suggestions or advice? Ugh if I have to unravel this one more time I am going to scream!

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

ROCK ON! Season Premier of Law & Order: SVU

Hummmm how will I be spending my evening? Well I can tell you this much, I will be home between 10 and 11 and don't expect me to answer the phone because I will be watching the season premier of Law & Order: SVU. ROCK ON! I am a Law & Order freak and I am soooooooooooo excited that the new season if finally upon us! Now if I an just figure out what I am going to eat for dinner.

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Answers to Why Why Why

By Ozymandiaz

I will attempt to answer these rhetorical questions in order...

For the same reason we speak more loudly to people of a foreign language

For the same reason there are locks on stores that are open for twenty four hours

It only sticks to the glass when it is in between said glass and the lid

It's the only humane thing to do

Because he never would have gotten Jane if he had one

It's easier to dodge a revolver

To protect against head injuries just in case...

Someone very cruel (probably the same person who developed the rest of this inane language)

Who says we evolved?

This is truly one of the great mysteries of the universe hopefully to be solved by the unified field theory, if there ever is one

Yes, when April 19th falls on a Thursday

For the same reason they flip thru the channels on the television in hopes that the insipid shows littering the airwaves will suddenly acquire substance

Because there is no satisfaction until that strings wraps around the agitator

You mean they open from the ends?

This is a place reserved for very special bugs.

The living bugs place them there so they will be always remembered.

Because the other person may well have a firearmSerendipity

For the same reason we want it 60 degrees in the summer

Because father in laws just aren't that funny (and they may whoop your butt)

Yea, right. Next you'll want us to ask for directions or read the instructions...


We're way ahead of quota around here, so you may be OK.

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Monday, September 19, 2005

Why Why Why?

Email circular that I received today that posed some interesting questions:

Why do we press harder on a remote control when we
know the batteries are getting weak?

Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when
they know there is not enough?

Why does someone believe you when you say there are
four billion stars, but check when you say the paint
is wet?

Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?

Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but
ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"?

If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you
use the bubbles are always white?

Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator
with hopes that something new to eat will have

Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times
with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it
up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum
one more chance?

Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end
you first try?

How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light

When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our
ankle with a shopping cart then apologizes for doing
so, why do we say, "It's all right?" Well, it isn't
all right, so why don't we say, "That hurt, you stupid

Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something
that's falling off the table you always manage to
knock something else over?

In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as
it was in summer when we complained about the heat?

How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?

If at first you don't succeed, shouldn't you try doing
it like your wife told you to do it?

And obviously if at first you don't succeed, then
don't take up sky diving!

And my FAVORITE......

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every
four persons is suffering from some sort of mental
illness. Think of your three best friends, if
they're okay, then it's you.

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No Show!

Of course he didnt show…….UGH. *bang head against wall*

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Will He Show?

Well I have come into my real estate office today because I am suppose to have a meeting at 1 pm with a potential buyer, but I'm not holding my breath since i have been stood up several times this month. Also I came in to.....I thought stuff some envelopes with flyers to start farming some neighborhoods, but I get in and to my surprise.....not.....my broker didn't get them run off and she calls me and informs me this morning that they won't be ready till Thursday! This really irritates me because she always promises something for on day and never delivers. Oh well what am I going to do, I will just have to wait I guess, just like I am waiting right now to see if this potential buyer actually shows.

Friday, September 16, 2005


Yes I work for the weekend. I cannot wait till I am able to leave myreal job as a legal assistant and work real estate full time and it may be sooner then I think, but we will keep that between me and you. J (as I post this on the internet.lol). Nothing spectacular planned for the weekend, so anything could happen. Tomorrow I am going into the office (the real estate office) and I am going to start farming some neighborhoods, so I will be stuffing envelopes a good majority of my Saturday afternoon. HURRAY! But that is ok, anything to start getting the money to roll in. Tonight I was planning to go over to my girlfriends house and help her pack. They finally sold their home, HURRAY for them! But I am starting to feel a little under the weather so we will see if I make it.

Last night I went to church, the college/earlier career ministry just started a Thursday night service. Last night was the first night. It was really good and I will probably go again. It is always good to have a mid-week service or activity to keep youfilled through the week. They showed an awesome short film that really spoke to me, about how sometimes the unexpected comes falling down on you like rain and you feel lost and desperate and you wonder why and how this can happen, and how maybe in these situations it is when God gets the best opportunity to remind us how much He loves us. The film is called001 Rain and it was done by Nooma.com, click on the link to see a clip of it.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

This Pickle is a Deadly Bomb...

One of my co-workers brought HUGE jar of homemade pickles from her grandmother into work.  I love pickles, especially dill pickles, but this pickle is a deadly bomb.  My co-worker offered me a pickle, telling me, If you like them sour you will like these pickles Sour is an understatement, these things are deadly..there should be a warning label on the jar, but I ate the whole pickle and now……I think it burned a hole in my stomach. Ugh!  

#1 Most Embarassing Moment

Now we all have embarrassing moments and there are different degrees of embarrassment, but I can tell you which one was my #1 most embarrassing moment.

I was 13 years old and my family had just been stationed in Guam for a few months. I was going to the local middle school off base which was a dive. I living in Guam and the entire time I was there I hated almost everything about it, it is not a place I would encourage a person to move to, in the 9 months I was there I went through 2 typhoons and many other insufferable trials.

Anyway, being 13 years old I of course had a crush on a boy. The boys name was Damon and looking back at pictures now I wonder how it was that I had a crush on this boy, but they were different times, times when the rat tail was cool. So after school Damon asks if I want to go out and ride my bike with him.Im like.um YEAH! I grab my aqua green 10-speed and off we go. We are hanging out riding around having fun, going up and down hills, the base takes up the entire northern point of Guam which is pretty elevated and has steep hills and cliffs. So we are riding our bikes down these steep hills really fast and Damon turns to me and tells me about a really cool hill over in the officers housing area, do I want to go? (Um.hello..crush..yeah of course I want to go!) I say sure and off we go. Allow me to describe the landscape to you, we come into a circle with houses all along the side and grass in the middle of the circle, he then points to the hill for me, off to the left there is no hill it is practically a CLIFF, really steep and looks like it goes straight up and at the top is the base commanders house, with the American flag in the front yard and everything. The idea here is to go to the top of thehill careen you bike down thehill and go around the circle at the bottom of thehill as many times as possible. So being that I was a not so wise..or coordinated….13 year old with a huge crush I said,Sure I can do that! So we start to ride our bikes up thishill.but it is so freaking steep I have to push it up thehill. We get to the top of thehill (notice my over use of quotation marks) and I kid you not I might as well have been on the top of Mt. Everest.but remember I am in a fog because of my crush. Damon says that he will go first to show me how to do it, not to worry, he does it all the time, no sweat, off he goes down thehill and around the circle at least 2 times. Here I am at the top of thehill still, extremely nervous and with a horrible knot in my stomach, something is telling me not to do this..ah yesbut I am in acrush fog, so I get on my aqua green 10-speed and off I goWEEEEE…….AHHHHHH…….NOOOOOO……….HOLY COW!.......OH MY GOSH!.......(did I mention the brakes on my bike hadnt been working properly)………A TREE!..........THUD!........

About a second later when I came around, I am laying on the ground and I look up and there are about 4 mothers and Damon looking down on me. Damon has a goofy smirk on his face like he is trying to keep from laughing, all the moms are in a panic asking me if I am ok. So I get up and I feel a little dazed but ok. I look and my aqua green 10-speed is wrapped around a palm tree, I am then informed that I rode my bike..and my face straight into the palm tree.if I looked hard enough I could see the imprint of my face in the trunk of the tree. So I grab my bike and I notice that behind the tree there is nothing.but the edge of a cliff and the roof of a concrete house 10 feet below.um yeah! I try and take my bike home, but the wheels are all bent and it isnt going anywhere, the moms offer to give me a ride, but I am feeling ok, I say I can walk (I am about a mile away from home). Damon and I start to walk home and he keeps asking me if I am ok, and being the cool chick that I was I played it off, sure I am fineall the while spitting blood.

I finally get home and walk in the door and I though my mother was going to freak! She went into a panic, asked me what in the world happened, she frantically tries to get in touch with my Dad, but he has left work early (this is before the time of cell phones), so she calls and ambulance. Ambulance pulls up in the drive way, my father pulls up in the drive way, freaks out and the ambulance carts me off to the hospital. I am still in shock feeling no pain yet30 mins later, I am in tears, my entire face if throbbing and bruises are forming all over my body. Finally I get medicated and the pain starts to go away. I get my x-rays done and the doctor informs me and my parents that I have broken my jaw into 3 pieces and dislocated my jaw, if I hadnt had braces, I might have lost half of my teeth. FUN! Ultimately my mouth was wired shut for 1 month. I spent an entire month sucking soups and protein shakes through a straw.

#2 most embarrassing moment, when the hot Orderly came in with a questionnaire and had to ask me when my last bowel was..I was 13.I wanted to die!

What? You ask what happened with Damon? Well Damon and I never happened, when I got back to school after breaking my face on a palm tree trying to impress him, I found out that he was going out with Kat, the home schooled girl with the pre-pubescent overdeveloped chest……Go figure!