Monday, October 17, 2005


I spent not practically....the entire weekend moving. I am soooooo tired! But I am finally moved out of my studio and into the duplex at the beach. HURRAY! My back, arms and calves are killing me but I will survive.

I have been suffering from a constant allegry attack all weekend. I am going to guess it is the combo of dust and cat hair from the studio. My face is all red and blochy and I cannot get my eyes to stop itching.

I am not sure what it is about me but initially when I am moving the idea of moving doesn't bother me so much. I usually think..."no sweat, shouldn't be to difficult"...then you start and your realize all the junk you have and have no clue what to do with it or where to pack it. For example I was amazed by the amount of Glade plugins I have and not the small cheap flat ones but the big ones that heat up scented oil. Once I finished emptying out the draw and collecting the ones i had around the apartment I had to have had about 10 at least. Does this not seem odd? I guess I have been collecting them and storing them and forgeting about them, then to go out and buy more. The other thing I found alot of were tealight candles, they were all over the place! Ultimatly you end up with a box or two of where you dump all the "junk". Now to figure out where to put this junk......sigh.

I do love my new place though and my roommate is great. It is a shame that I moved to the beach at the beginning of the fall but I will be able to enjoy it when the summer comes around again. I plan to take advantage and go for a few walks and runs before it gets really cold.

Ok well I am out of here so I can get some work done, and put some makeup on this itch blochy

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1 comment:

Alex said...

Que paso mija!

I've moved twice in the last two months. From Virginia Beach to Newport News in July. Then Newport News to Virginia Beach this month.

I didn't have as much stuff as you have. Just clothes, computer, skateboard, surfboard. It all fit into and on top of my car.

I pray that your soreness will go away soon.

God Bless You:)

In His Love and Service,
Alex Rubio
Your Brother In Christ