Friday, July 29, 2005

Hurray! It's Friday!

I am in a much better and happier mood today! HURRAY! Could be because it is Friday, could be because I had a grande Chi Tea Latte from Starbucks or could be an answer to my prayers. I have been praying really hard for whatever is making me funky to go away. I cant wait to get out of here, I feel like a race horse at the gate just dying to bust out! Lol

So it is Friday, I have nothing planned so far, it may be a slow weekend although it is always good to have a slow weekend once in awhile. Probably go home, have some dinner, watch something on the tube, pet my kitty, try not to get bitten or scratched and possibly go to the gym. Got to work off the nachos I had yesterday and Chinese I had today……not good.unless you are trying to collect fat deposits. LOL

1 comment:

bella said...

So how was your weekend?