Hola, mi nombre es Meseidy. Hello everyone out there! So for some peculiar reason you find yourself reading this space. Probably not because it is particularly interesting but more likely because you are bored, possibly at work, trying to kill time pretending that you are working (quick “CLICK” the window, someone is coming up behind you).
So anyways, a little about myself. Hmmmm, well as you can see from my profile I am 26 year old, single, young professional (or at least I play one in real life) and most important I love God! I work as a legal assistant in a law firm and do real estate on the side, but between you and me I am new at it and have no clue what I am doing. Shhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone. So it is just me and my demon cat Samson. I love him but he has left me with my share of battle scares. I also had a guinea pig named Gus, may he rest in peace. But he went out just as he should have….face first in his food bowl. That is all the little guy lived for….green pellets. I am pretty busy and will probably come and go. On my free time, I go to the gym, and hang out with friends. I am currently looking for a new church and pray that God will lead me to the right one. Then I need to get involved, because I have a tendency to keep to myself.
You may wonder what this space will consist of……well probably not, but I will tell you anyway. It will be mostly about me, and…..me, and…….well me. Doesn’t that sound fascinating? But no seriously it will be about me, my walk with God, my ideas, opinions and issues and believe me there are plenty of those. You may not get all the dirt but you will get the idea. But I guess that is what a “space” is basically about, a place to express yourself and just pray that one day at the right time you say just the right thing and it will speak and help whoever is reading it.
So here we go!
Just came across your blog as I'm waiting for the next 15 minutes to hurry up so I can go home aleardy! I think I'll check back time to time and see what you have to say. Take care :)
Yes please come back and look around. :)
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