Wednesday, August 03, 2005

100 Things

  1. I love God and Jesus.:)
  2. I am named after a cave woman, see “Meseidy the Cavewoman
  3. I have been in 2 major relationships..
  4. I want 3 boys.
  5. I broke my jaw in 3 pieces and dislocated it when I was 13, Dr. said I would have lost my teeth if I hadn't had braces.
  6. There is a palm tree in Guam with my face impressed on it.
  7. My favorite color is Red.
  8. I feel guilty that I don’t read my bible everyday.
  9. My favorite flowers tulips and daisies.
  10. I have married once
  11. I am a dog person.
  12. Dream job is to be a race car driver (I know nothing about cars and don’t watch NASCAR)
  13. I love pralines and cream ice cream.
  14. I have a kid sister who looks just like me just much shorter and we have nothing in common.
  15. I lived in D.C. for 9/11 and was an eyewitness, see Google "Meseidy" - Silly Conspiracy Theorist
  16. I LOVE high heels no less then 3 inches.
  17. I am Puerto Rican and proud of it!
  18. I type 60 wpm.
  19. The only insect that I can’t stand are cockroaches.
  20. I would shave my head if it was socially acceptable for women.
  21. I won’t date anyone under 6 feet tall (remember 3 inch heels and I am 5'8")
  22. My parents are still married.
  23. I read Fox News
  24. I am republican and am proud of it!
  25. I love college basketball, I disappear the month of March.
  26. I like to sit on the floor.
  27. I always have to have at least one foot up.
  28. I use humor to hide my feelings.
  29. I am obsessed with Law & Order.
  30. I would like to learn how to shoot a gun.
  31. I don’t like mushrooms, flavor too strong.
  32. I don’t know how to balance a check book.
  33. I can’t stand cars in front of me when I am driving.
  34. I have a heavy foot, translation I speed.
  35. I have talked my way out of 3 speeding tickets and one car accident while driving without a license.
  36. I am a method eater, I choose what I want to eat sometimes depending on how you eat it, ie. with hands,with fork, which chopsticks, on stick, in bowl, etc.
  37. When I eat fruit I will get several pieces and eat them all a different way.
  38. I have extremely vivid and bizarre dreams.
  39. I don’t like the telephone to chat, get on get off.
  40. I am a mission shopper, I only shop when on a mission to find something, I don’t window shop.
  41. I hate trying clothes on; I am never the same size.
  42. I have a pride issue, I don’t like anyone knowing I am hurt or vulnerable (I am working on this)
  43. I want my next wedding to be on the beach.
  44. I can over communicate.
  45. My car is a disaster area right now.
  46. I have been in 2 accidents with Mack trucks, (I keep getting in there blind spots)
  47. I am now afraid of Mack trucks or any large truck.
  48. I love gummy bears.
  49. I was born 20 minutes or less from the Canadian boarder.
  50. I use to have dreams when I was a kid of falling through portals and time traveling with my giant stuffed animals.
  51. I think too much, and cover my ears when I want to stop thinking.
  52. I wish my parents would go to couples counseling
  53. My favorite dessert is pecan pie.
  54. I don’t like chick flicks or ballads.
  55. I believe in the dream of happly married with 2.5 kids and a dog.
  56. I don’t understand Grits, how can something be so coarse and slimy at the same time?
  57. I belch like a dude when I am alone.
  58. I eat sitting on top of my kitchen counter.
  59. I sit on/in the sink when I put my makeup on to get closer to the mirror.
  60. I can lay on the couch sometimes for an entire day and not feel guilty about it.
  61. I keep cards and mementos from almost all of my past relationships except my ex-husband.
  62. I am a rebel at heart and it annoys me sometimes.
  63. I voted for George W. Bush and am proud of it!
  64. Even thought it has a negative connotation to it I love to say “knocked up” when referring to someone who is pregnant.
  65. I cry easily, but not in front of people.
  66. I use to curse like a sailor, now cursing makes me cringe
  67. One of my favorite movies is Gone with the Wind even though I lived in Georgia for 7 years and hated it.
  68. Definition of a good song is alot of drums and a loud guitar
  69. I have had my heart broken twice, the second time hurt more then the first.
  70. I won’t leave the house without earrings on.
  71. I squeeze my toothpaste from the middle.
  72. I say “dude” several times through out the day.
  73. I find the term “You are such a girl” insulting.
  74. I want to be a stay at home mom.
  75. I don’t want to mirror my parent’s marriage.
  76. I think about living on a boat for a year.
  77. I graduated high school a year early.
  78. I am horrible and grammar and spelling yet I am a secretary.
  79. I am speak English and Spanish but neither of them very well.
  80. I stick my foot in my mouth constantly.
  81. My creativity sometimes surprises me.
  82. I secretly wish I could have a surrogate carry and have my child.
  83. I have never taken a driving exam, yet I have a valid driver’s license.
  84. People who play their music really loud in there car with the bass cranked and make my car vibrate annoy me..
  85. I don’t know what to do or say when someone is seriously ill or a loved one has passed away, so I usually say nothing.
  86. I sell real estate part time and I have no clue what I am doing.
  87. I was born with my hips dislocated.
  88. It drives me crazy when people scrap there teeth on their fork or spoon.
  89. I have a weakness for purses and shoes.
  90. I would not hire myself as a secretary.
  91. My car is paid off, first thing I have ever owned free and clear.
  92. I like bacon and onions on my pizza.
  93. My dog sleeps with me and takes up half the bed.
  94. I am an amateur photographer.
  95. I love my new job..
  96. I talk to my dog and dance around my apartment when I am alone.
  97. I use to be a smoker.
  98. I make silly faces in the mirror when I am bored.
  99. My favorite snack is a bowl of cereal.
  100. I wash my feet after I take my shoes off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well somethings I must disagree on!!!!
39. You love talking to me on the phone... maybe 'cause you have no choice, I'm all the way in Hawaii
40. What in theis world happend to shoppoholic Mese???? Did I loose my shopping partner? :o(
74. You will go insane as a stay at home Mom, but it will be fun to watch
Somethings I have to agree on
72. Dude is almost your favorite phrase!!!!!

70. No true Puerto Rican girl will leave the house without earings and lipgloss!!!!

99. I truely miss having cereal for dinner!!! The good all times
Love Ya