Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ok Quick But Odd Question

   Now most of us all know that the ears, nose, throat and sinuses are all connected, right?  So by saying that maybe the question I am about to ask isn’t so odd. Have you ever blown your nose, usually after crying, and little air bubbles come out of your tear duct?  I am just wondering?


Anonymous said...

No, why, have you?

Anonymous said...

Can't say that has ever happened. Are you sure it was an air bubble?

Meseidy said...

Yes it has happened to me and yes I am sure it was an air bubble....what else would it be? Are you suggesting something? lol

Anonymous said...

This happens to me quite often... Even worse.. I ruptured my eardrum not so long ago so Evertime I blew my nose.. Guess what.. It went out my ear *insert apalled shudder here*

Anonymous said...

HURRAY! Maybe I an not such a freak....LOL

funlearning said...

I've had that happen before. What gets me is that everytime I blow my nose I have to plug my left ear or my eardrum pops.

Sylvia said...

LOL...just passin thru. That was too funny NOT to post a comment!It's happened to me on more than one occasion!-Sylvia.

Meseidy said...

HA HA! Too funny, may be it is genetic. May be it is a puertorican thing! LOL said...

Once I sneezed so hard I farted... does that count?

SillyBahrainiGirl said...


paul takes the argument to a new level ;)

is there a doctor in the house?