Monday, September 12, 2005

So Close I Can Feel It

I can feel it……I am right on the edge! I am going to loose it! Between my fabulous job and myissues I am about to burst and scream off the top of my lungs..sigh, I wish I could have just stayed in bed.


Eric Mutta said...

All you need to do when you're about to explode, is just go to the Antidisestablishmentarian Café. It will take you so long to find it, you'll completely forget what as bothering you in the first place ;-).

Lovely Lisa said...

I think its good to scream... its a good release. I had a icky day, too, and when it was over, i put a pillow over my face and let it out. I don't want the neighbors to hear, but it makes me feel good to just scream sometimes...bad days happen. How we handle them distinguish us from the rest, Meseidy.