Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Um Don't Talk to Me.....

I dont understand why people think it is ok to talk to you when you are they are in the bathroom.  Dont talk to me while you are tending to your own personal business!  It drives me nuts, because I don’t want to talk to you when I am doing mine, yet I feel like I am being rude if I don’t respond.   The concept of public bathrooms is disturbing anyway.  I would find them much more acceptable if each stall had a door that completely closed from top to bottom so no one can hear you, much less talk to you.  Am I alone in this?  Does is bother anyone else to be talked to while doing you business?


Anonymous said...

You're not alone - I agree completely. And when you're in a club, ever notice that they have loud loud music absolutely everywhere except the toilets? I think every toilet should have loud music so nobody can listen to me and so I don't have to listen to anyone else!

Anonymous said...

I like to pretend that when that door closes, the world is sealed off. No noises in or out...