Friday, September 23, 2005


Has anyone else seen this banner? I see it all the time when I check my hotmail account. It is like ewwww (but then I put it on my blog….makes a lot of sense…what does that say about me…..anyway…) I don’t want to look at nasty toes! Oh and the commercial for this medication, the one with all the gross looking creatures digging under the toe nail…..YUCK! (click on the banner and you will see what I mean) It makes me cringe! I would think that they could come up with a less Ewwww campaign. Every time I check my email and see this banner I refresh it to make it go away. Anyway, I though I would share my repulsion with everyone, you know spread the joy…

technorati tag:


Anonymous said...

that's my nails...ugh...found you via my sisters site when she put up a bloggers for god site thingy...i don't blog, but i use the computer at the library and i might later...just found out i have bipolar...awww...another as you say, God does have our back...good thing for that hey...have a great day...just stopped by to have a sound like a real neat person...god bless. val.

nile said...

ok, so as a result of this post you now have fungus google ads at the bottom of your site...

post something else! quick!! and not about diahrrea or anything like that, ok?

Anonymous said...

You are so right....

Some commercials are just outright gross...there are just somethings I do not need to know about...unless I need the product.